First 2 weeks- August 2016

  • Author Mumo3girls
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hi guys,
I'm mum of 3 girls, 36yr old, weighing 106kgs 160cm. I have fluctuated between 95-106 for the last 12 years (except up to 113 when preggo) and stable on 106 for this whole year despite being a regular gym goer. I've decided to try duromine because I know my workouts are making me eat too much cause I'm starving after them, and I need to break the cycle of over eating and snacking.. and the energy boost will also be welcomed.
Wish me luck.. 12 hours til my first pill, haha! :p
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:laughing:Day one begins.. 106kgs!!
Quick oats, blackberries, strawberries, and a cup of tea!
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Day one still..
I've spent the last 3 weeks feeling sorry for myself and lack of motivation to do anything with a slight head cold, so the excitement of starting this has really fired me up, actually I feel "normal" today, like I used to feel. I wouldn't say I'm full of energy, or have too much, just feel like a good normal, which is exciting.
Been and done groceries, done washing, been to gym, home and had avocado and 2 eggs on multigrain toast X1 and a black tea with one sugar.
This is more than I've done most days for the past month so I'm winning already..
Day one almost done!

The kids had a party at the local play centre after school and i resisted the urge to dig into the chips and wedges, instead opted for a small hot chocolate (also instead of going without all together)
Made a nice chicken and broccolini Thai red curry for myself for dinner, paired with a Jack Daniels and soda stream cola..
Only side effect is dry mouth, which is great for making me drink more water!
That's me done for the day.. Look out day two!
Night one..
Slept early and heavy from 10pm-2am then slept crappy from then on.. But woke up feeling better than I normally do, so I guess I didn't need that extra bit of sleep.. Here goes day 2..
Day two
Started the day with quick oats and berries, and a cup of tea, white with one.
Decided to go exploring with the family in the local national park, got a work out with some long steep steps to and from a waterfall, and then up and down sand dunes at the beach.. My legs won't love that tomorrow but I was/and am happy my energy has kept up with me. We took a picnic lunch and I enjoyed a ham, cheese and tomato sandwich on grain bread, followed by a delicious apple.
Usually on day trips I stop somewhere to buy the kids some potato chips or hot chips and coke so I can have some but today it didn't even enter my mind at all, I was content with what I had.
Feeling fabulous and will enjoy a leftover curry for dinner before heading out to a family function.
Day two evening..
Just home from a family function and am totally suprised that I didn't have one urge to eat any of the delicious finger foods or have a soft drink (or alcohol for that matter) ..
I wouldn't say it's made me feel full but definately taking the urge off for wanting extras..
Day three

Beginning to feel the effects of less food and broken sleep. Feeling flat today, but still managing to maintain a nice healthy diet.
2 scrambled eggs on one slice of toast for breakfast and a cup of tea and a banana.
Leftover curry for lunch and a cup of tea.
An orange for arvo tea
And currently contemplating dinner..
Got a few chores done and entertained kids without being grumpy, so still feel like I'm winning..
Finalising day 3

Feeling tired, but remaining positive about my experiance because I'm still not wanting any extra food or junk. Usually in the evening I may want to snack or at least be battling with my brain to snack but that's not happening at all. Dry mouth isn't as bad as it was the last two days thankfully.
Ravioli and a tomato and basil sauce for dinner, and actually didn't eat it all, it's like my brain just turned off and said, your done! Weird!

All in all feeling positive!
Day four

Oats and berries for breakfast and cup of tea
Gym workout
Toastie with ham cheese tomato with seeded mustard on grain bread and cup of tea
Roast beef and veg for dinner.
Cup of tea.

Feeling good, a little bit more energy but not excessive at all, but not sleeping much (4hrs solid, then another 2 hours restless) but also don't appear to be needing it. dry mouth so happily drinking plenty of water. No cravings, no urges to eat random things like usual.

Overall positive feeling.

It appears 2am is my new sleep time. Apparently my body doesn't need more than 4.5-5 hours sleep!

Breakfast : oats
Snack: Apple
Lunch: roast beef, cheese and seeded mustard toastie
Snack: mandarin
Dinner: beef kebabs and veg
A few cups of tea, and a camomile tea before bed!
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Day six
Finally a decent night sleep! Yay! 7-8 hours was lovely!
All side effects appear to have disappeared. Every now and then I think it's not working, then I have a meal and realise it is, because I start feeling full much sooner.
I could still easily over eat but my brain seems to be taking over and helping me say no..
Still a lot of trying involved but still winning!
Breakfast: oats
Snack: cup of tea
Lunch: ham and cheese toastie
Snack: Apple and cup of tea
Dinner: honey mustard chicken and veg
Cup of tea.
Day 7
Started the day off full of energy, went to the gym for the 4th time this week, and smashed out a couple of 1 min sprints (well it's a sprint for me) on the treadmill and felt like super women..
Oats and banana for breakfast
Apple for snack
Leftover chicken on toastie for lunch
Mandarin for arvo snack
Cajun chicken and salad for dinner
X4 cups of tea over the day.
Running out of steam by about 3pm, and the mood has gone down with it. The usual urge to eat everything now is there, but easier to resist than usual.
Feeling very low by 6pm, god help the kids.
It's now 8:30 pm and I'm feeling better (maybe I was low in calories and fluid) but ready for bed.
Praying for an awesome first weigh in tomorrow.
Ending week one
Beginning week two

Loss 1.1kgs

Ok I know I should be happy with that but.. Blahhhhhh!!
Expensive and hard 1.1kgs!!!!
Hi Mumo3... Oh - I hear you with the expense... but that is 1.1kg done now.. if you have a look at Iwanttobehappy blog - you will see that she lost small amounts wach week.. sometimes just half a kg.. but they all blended together to form a nice outcome for her.. I think 18kg.. I will just have a look again for you...
Ok.. so - apologies IWantToBeHappy for copying your data across.. hope you dint mind - it is inspirarional info and is helping me each week... and wanted Mumo3girls to find you too.. Below - is IWantToBeHappy stats... not mine..

Week 17 (it will be 4 months on the 1st of May)

30mg Duromine, 36yo Female, 164cm

SW = 85.7 BMI = 31.4

Week 1 - lost 3kg
Week 2 - lost 1.3kg
Week 3 - lost 1.1kg
Week 4 - lost 1.2kg
Week 5 - lost 0.7kg
Week 6 - lost 1.9kg
Week 7 - lost 0.6kg
Week 8 - lost 0.7kg
Week 9 - lost 1.3kg
Week 10 - lost 0.9kg
Week 11 - lost 0.7kg
Week 12 - lost 1.0kg
Week 13 - lost 0.7kg
Week 14 - lost 1.0kg
Week 15 - lost 1.0kg
Week 16 - lost 0.5kg
Week 17 - lost 0.5kg

CW = 67.7kg BMI = 25.1
IWantToBeHqppy has done better than I have... but we are all different.. and will lose at various rates... i took 4 days off last week because i was soooo riduculously constipated.. (its an effect duromine has on me and i am yet to master it..).. but back on now with renewed oomph!! I hate the gym.. but i am but am on my feet pretty much all day at work.. I was also looking at small numbers in comparison to that of others - and quite frankly.. I hit the Bloody Expensive for Little Results Wall - was so uncomfortable with being sooo banked up that I truly contemplated throwing in the towel (duromine) and giving in to being fat for the rest of my life... and then came some sense... slow and steady is a Good Thing.. I re-read IWantToBeHappy's blog.... stayed connected with others here... (slept for a couple of days - said hello to the ensuite again.. or as its often refereed to at our place. (Ok.. maybe just by me at our place).. . 'Having a Meeting with Mr Roger'.. (#2 to be more specific).. haha.
And now.. I am ready - moreso than even before to be patient.. to understand I wont see change in the mirror quickly and that if my scales read a little loss... then Yeay..!! Slow is better- too fast ans how will the skin cope? It has to learn to retract again.. too rapid is likely to have a saggy skin result, right??!!... Celebrate every small loss with us Mumo3girls..

Expensive - yes... but whats the alternative? I don't want to be a porker for the rest of my life - and it is about time I was a little selfish... the money it takes to fill a script - You Are Worth!!! Its ultimately an investment in your growing Sense of Self and Self Esteem... in joyful clothes shopping to come and in more energized days with your daughters!!! (How lucky you are to have 3 girls..!!!).. (i have 2 girls and 1 son)..

1.1kg - is a Great Start..... pretty soon.. we will celebrate your first 5kg... then 8.. 10.. and so on..... xx Vix is shouting herself a tattoo at 10kg.. I am going to give myself a $500 savings boost at my 10kg mark.. and from there want to bounce money per kg into that same account for my goal result.... then- I am going clothes shopping!! Not for my kids... for me!! Jeans are top of the list

My SW: :eek: 78.5:confused: CW: 75o_O GW: 58:rolleyes: OMG GW; 52-54 :):laughing:
Oh you are soooooo right, thanks so much for that.
I was mostly down on myself because the first week of any new weight loss regime is usually a big one due to fluid loss, but I guess my food etc wasn't that bad to begin with to lose that much straight up, I don't know.
I had a girls night out last night and enjoyed a bit of indulging but didn't go over board, it was nice.
Like you said, I have to look at the big picture and not just this week.. So hopefully a nice steady pace and 13 weeks down the track (doc will only let me do 3 months) I should be about 10-15 kgs lighter, which will be lighter than I've been for a very long time and will definately need a whole new wardrobe for that haha.
Onwards and upwards..
Yep.. onwards and upwards..

Or rather - onwards and downwards (with the scale weight)...

A girls night out... I can't remember what something like that feels like... I really need to tap back into life...
Week 2 weigh in tomorrow.. Eeeeekk..

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1 min read
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