First 2 weeks- August 2016

  • Author Mumo3girls
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hi guys,
I'm mum of 3 girls, 36yr old, weighing 106kgs 160cm. I have fluctuated between 95-106 for the last 12 years (except up to 113 when preggo) and stable on 106 for this whole year despite being a regular gym goer. I've decided to try duromine because I know my workouts are making me eat too much cause I'm starving after them, and I need to break the cycle of over eating and snacking.. and the energy boost will also be welcomed.
Wish me luck.. 12 hours til my first pill, haha! :p
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Week two weigh in 103.8kgs
Loss 1.1kgs
Total loss 2.2kgs in 2 weeks.
Woo hoo.. on your way!! You'll be down 10 in no time!

Blog entry information

Read time
1 min read
Last update

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