First Day/Night

  • Author StormGirl2012
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
My first day was kind of cool. I hardly felt like eating anything but was guzzling water like it's going out of fashion. Pretty good for me as I've never been good at drinking water. I was prepared for a sleepless night, however I was kind of confident that I'd sleep as I was a bit exhausted from the weekend still. I'd put some of my recorded shows off the TV onto a DVD so I could get up and watch them in the lounge if I needed to. About 10.30 I decided to put the iPad away and sleep - my eyes were tired so I really felt like I would sleep well. Slept for about 2 hours then kept waking up. It was odd. I wasn't tired enough to sleep (my mind, that is) but I was too tired to get up and watch TV.

I had my first gym session on the Ds this morning and I smashed it. I'm paying for it now, though, I think. I have drank almost a litre of water already but I have a terrible headache and I feel quite unwell with the thought of food right now making me feel quite nauseous. Not good as I have our staff Christmas lunch today :(. I've taken a couple of Codeine so this will make or break me this afternoon.

I hope my weigh in at the end of the week is worth all of this . . .


"About 10.30 I decided to put the iPad away and sleep - my eyes were tired so I really felt like I would sleep well. Slept for about 2 hours then kept waking up. It was odd. I wasn't tired enough to sleep (my mind, that is) but I was too tired to get up and watch TV." - Read a book instead of TV or computer at least an hour before you are going to bed. It has been proven that TV and computer makes your body agitated, therefore you cannot fall asleep for some time.
And you should eat. Headaches are caused partially by that.

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