First day on Duromine

  • Author Seva
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Yesterday was my first day on Duromine 30mg. I am a 34 years old woman with 160 cm height and 87kg ! My goal is wearing a bikini!:oops: I know it is funny and insane, but the most motivational thing for me is imagining myself in a bikini! :p

I've never been skinny nor slim! :( I went on a very healthy diet when I was 25 and weighed 67. The feeling was fab but still I wasn't able to wear a bikini!.:confused: I gradually gained weight again and I now feel like I'm stuck in my body! I'm not confident and I don't feel good about myself!

I love food, not junk food though. I am not a big fan of sweets and I eat healthy but TOO MUCH! . Eventually, after many attempts on controlling my mouth! I found myself more in love with food to leave them! I just think about food when I'm on diet! Which is frustrating! :confused:

My GP recommended me to try Duromine ( she dosen't like it though). I was getting depression and as she has observed me closely over years and has seen all my attempts for losing weight, realised that the most important thing for my happiness is losing weight!:( I need to love my body and I simply don't like it that much now! o_O

This post was a little about me and my weight loss journey :) I am going to write about yesterday in the next post :laughing:
I look forward to reading your comments ! :rolleyes:


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