First day on Duromine

  • Author Sammywammi
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hi guys I'm 22 years old I weigh 78 kilos and my height is 155 for the last 3 months I've been working out everyday for 60 minutes on the cross trainer and tread mill I do half on each one but I can't lose weight so yesterday I went to the doctors and got Duromine

Today is the first day off taking it I took it at 7am and feel no different compared to normal does it mean it's not working it's been a few hours since 7am this morning when should it start to kick in the only symptom I've had is a really dry mouth that's all so far please help me I am on the 30mg tablet would it work by tomorrow or today thanks I really wanna get down to 65 kilos so not much to lose thanks


Hello Sammywammi! Welcome to the forum! It’s great you’ve decided to get rid of the extra weight. And it’s fantastic that you are exercising! Don’t stop and add some other kind of exercises. Alternation also helps give your body a “punch” to lose weight.

As for Duromine, I can tell you for sure that it works differently in every single person. Not everyone has often side effects. Besides, you say you have a dry mouth. It means that your body does have a reaction to it. It may take 3-4 days or a little more to get the best effect. Just give it some time and keep up with the plan you have. Good luck on your journey! It’s just the first day of your life changes! Fingers crossed for your weight loss!

PS. Make sure you start eating 5-6 times a day in very small portions. It is essential for boosting your metabolism.
Thank you very much for your help I will be updating every time I lose weight or gives me new side effects so I should be blogging often
goodluck Sammy.... I have a Dr appointment for Friday.. hoping the Dr will prescribe duromine for me... altho I am a little frightened but excited to think I can start to lose some of my unwanted 45 kilos... x

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