First day on duromine

  • Author Katie-Lauren
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
It is my first day on duromine.

SW: 86.9
GW: 60

Side effects experienced.
Dry mouth.
Racing heart.

I went for a walk for 45 minutes and also did not feel hungry during the day at all! I ate very minimal all day. I did drink a LOT of water as I felt I was getting headaches easily but as soon as I was increasing my water intake they were dying down. It is around 9.30 pm now and I am getting very tired so no sleeplessness yet.


Hi Katie Lauren
I am on day 3 Duromine 30mg, I
Current weight 86.6kg hope to get down 65-70 kg . I feel great lots of energy but can't sleep well. I go to the gym and hope will reach my goal in few months time , I can already see my pants getting lose. You take care good luck.
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