First day today

  • Author Trish
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hi there this is my first day on this program wishing myself good luck and good luck to all on this program. My current weight is 120kg on my scales this morning I am going to give it all I have to lose weight, I went to my doctor yesterday for blood results and he has given me the wake up call I needed and he recommended I go on Duromine for the 3 months for the kick start I need as my cholesterol is so high he was the one who has changed my life yesterday.


Hello Trish
Today is my first day on Duromine, lets wish luck for us! :rolleyes:
I'm on day two! Hope you are doing well would love to hear an update ? Mine was also cause of blood test results and a massive wake up call
Hey guy, how's going yoir weight loss challange ? I have already lost 4.6 kg in a month n half :laughing:

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