First Time In

  • Author Harry
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
This is my first time using any sort of weight loss medication. I have recently had surgery (a few months ago) on my leg so I have been laid up for quite for a while and not being able to do anything. AFter the first lot of surgery I was convinced the surgeon made an error and after a six week discussion he finally agreed with me. This meant that as I was getting off crutches (and finally being able to drive again) I was sent back under the knife for immediate corrective surgery (which my surgeon later refers to as "our little setback").

Anyway I am finally back where I was last time and able to conduct physical activity. Given it was over the holiday period my inactivity enchanted the christmas eating splurge. I tried to remain conscious of it but in the end gave up and just ate what I wanted. I now resemble a delicious muffin top that has one leg skinnier than the other. I spoke with my doctor and asked him for guidance on using something to get me kickstarted so I could loose some of my surgery (and holiday!) fat. He immediately gave me Duramine 40mg and a quick run down on them. This is the evening of day 3 as I am writing (only just found the site). Day 1 was good until about 11am then I was VERY thirsty with a mouth that felt like it was lined with sandpaper. I drank so much water I may as well have moved into the toilet.

Day 2 and today were similar. I have not weighed myself at any stage and have elected to use photos (taken at day one and then every seven days) and how comfortable my pants fit (measurements) as my guide. I am limited in physical activity by the guidelines that the physio have given me. This will become more active as my leg heals and I will be able to train as I normally did. My appetite is dramatically reduced and I am working hard to stay away from sugar, soft drinks and junk in general (sweet snacks kill me!). I am feeling better and am confident hat I have reduced in size marginally over the first three days and will be interested to see how it goes over the coming month. To all readers and fellow users good luck and I look forward to sharing the journey with you.


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