First time on Duromine - lets do this!

  • Author Layla
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
I started Duromine yesterday combined with glucophage. I started weighing 107.6kgs needing to lose 20kgs by April this is my first goal, overall I need to lose 37kgs to be at a healthy BMI. First day wasnt so bad, heard a lot of different/bad stories. My only side effect is the dry mouth, slept fine no issues. I hardly had an appetite throughout the day, ate because I had to, just had bacon and egg for breakfast, apple, soup for lunch then bacon and egg again for supper, no carbs. I noticed though by 5pm I was starving so I took the pill around 6am today in hopes that I wont be so hungry in the evening. Woke up today and weighed in and I am down to 107.2 which means I lost 400g in a day which I know is probably water weight because I drank so much. Looking forward to my 1 week weigh in hope I lose quite a bit.

SW - 01/26/17 - 107.6kgs
CW - 01/27/17 - 107.2kgs
GW - 87kgs


Way to go, Layla! Sounds like you’re very decisive about your intention of losing weight and it’s fantastic! Keep it up and I wish you a fast and healthy weight loss process. If you have any questions, you’re welcome to ask. Good luck!
Hi Layla!
I hope you've continued to have good days on the Duromine tablets, I'm on day 4 now, and have had a good experience so far!
When is your 1 week weigh in? I'm looking forward to see your progress :)
Hello :) so I weighed in on day 4 and I lost 2.5kgs which is huge for me because that is a lot in 4 days. I have really been watching what I eat the only thing is I didnt take it yesterday because I had such a headache I needed to take pain meds and was not sure what I could take with it?

SW: 26 jan 2017 - 107.6
CW: 30 Jane 2017 - 105.1
Total loss to date: 2.5kgs
First Goal: 87kgs

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Very disappointed today. Its been 6 days and I have lost 2.1kgs and put on 400g. I have been doing everything right so I dont understand. Nevertheless I will keep going. Will try a work out today.

SW: 26 Jan 2017 - 107.6kgs
CW: 1 Feb 2017 - 105.5kgs (up 400g) :(
Total loss to date: 2.1kgs
First Goal: 87kgs
Hi Layla! I guess this is the reason why we, nutrition advisers, aren’t really fond of the idea of daily weighing in. If you didn’t see any other numbers on your scales, you would be very happy, pleased and the same encouraged to continue. Such a weight loss in just 6 days is a very good result. However, you did see that your weight was 0.4 kg lower, and now you’re disappointed instead of jumping up and singing a cheerful song. You have to realize that you did manage to LOSE A WHOLE 2.1 KILOS IN JUST 6 DAYS!!!! You didn’t gain anything. Any loss is great!

Start smiling, get on with your exercises. They will help you boost your metabolism. I hope you are also eating properly, to not let your metabolic rate slow down. Don’t forget about good hydration and chin up! You’re doing great!

PS. I know how you feel. I have seen it so many times while working with people by my weight loss method. Everything takes time. You didn’t gain that weight in a week, so don’t expect you will lose it in a week, as well.
So week one is done! Weighed in this morning and down 100g (a loss is a loss hey :)) I made it 7 days healthy eating and no craving for any sugar or carb products. Downside is I woke with a sore throat and headache and other cold symptoms. I still took the duromine and my dr said the pain tabs should be fine. Will keep hydrated, hope that will help. I will not weigh again until next Thursday to avoid this drama of going up and down. Starting some exercise as soon as I feel well but I have a feeling this will work. I need to be down at least 15kgs by 10 April.

SW: 26 jan 2017 - 107.6kgs
Week 1: 105.4kgs
Total loss to date: 2.2kgs
First Goal: 99kgs
Layla, I can see you’re back to your happy self. The shoutbox, the blog entry show you’re back to the happy side and are ready to keep fighting. Bravo! The fact that you managed to withstand the McHorrible food is fantastic!!!! I am so happy! Keep fighting! You have a good goal and you know you will achieve it if you keep doing everything right. Thumbs up! And hope you'll get well soon.
Thanks April,

Unfortunately I developed a viral infection and I am now on a number of meds and had to stop Duromine until I am 100% better. I hate that one of the meds is prednisone which just makes me want to eat :(. I will push through though, I need to get to my first goal of 99kgs. After Thursday I start again, this time with exercise and more veg than fruit. I will do this, I have to do this!
Im hating the fact that I am not on Duromine, I am not as thirsty so not drinking much and my appetite has increased by 1000!!! I have 3 more days of my antibiotic and meds then I will be back. I hate starting at square one! Havent weighed in, will weigh in after my 7 days on duromine.
Layla, hey, I am sorry to hear you are suffering from a viral infection. I know you must be very sad that you have such a strong hunger. However, it also can be caused by the infection, antibiotics (which usually interfere with your gastrointestinal tract processes), and your body is trying to recover as fast as it can. What’s the best way to get energy and to rehabilitate? Right – food. I want you to know that during flues, colds and the stuff, your body needs proteins. Try eating more protein foods. Otherwise, your body can keep you hungry until it gets as much protein as it needs to fight the infection.

I think you made a correct decision to have your weigh in in 7 days after you re-start Duromine. Best of luck and fast healing!!!
So I am starting Duromine tomorrow with the glucophage. I know it does work and how it works now and what I need to to to speed it up. Recovering from this flu is not going to be easy so I have to take it slow with the exercise but I will try a little everyday. Im sure Im back to square one but I will wait until next Friday to weigh in. Wish me luck!
Layla! Hello, dear. Sorry this flu beat you up so much that you will have to recover for a long time. Still, I know that you’ll forget about it in a couple of weeks. You know, you might consider the idea of consuming more foods high in protein. I know that during the period of cold and flu, your body does need more protein.

Another concern of mine is your decision to take Glucophage. Are you sure about that? Do you have diabetes? Check up with a doctor or a pharmacist. They are contraindicated when you take diet pills or medicines to treat asthma, colds or allergies. Be careful! Do not harm yourself!

I wish you all the luck and I’ll keep my fingers crossed for your progress.
Thanks April,

I suffer from PCOS, the glucophage helps with my insulin resistance and with the weight loss, I took if for about 6 months before I fell pregnant and I lost 17kgs within 4 months. My gynae prescribed both meds to help kick start, duromine with it for 3 months then 3 months with just the glucophage. I am battling this time as I have a lot to juggle so the duromine combo is just a little extra help. I did ask about the contradictions with several doctors and they happy for me to take both.

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