First Time on Duromine

  • Author Hannah98
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hi there,
I am 20 years old weighing 107kg at the time of my doctors appointment on Tuesday the 16th of October (I don’t have scales at the moment, though that will be the next purchase I make!)

I was prescribed duromine 30mg this week after I have tried so long to get fit with very little succes and my doctor gave it to me willingly. I am on my second day of duromine and have had a few side effects of nausea and dry mouth (I think I’ve drank more water in the last 2 days then I have in my entire life!)

I have made a point to start each day with a 20 minute work out that I found on YT and going for a walk/jog around the lake each day.

I feel exstremely energetic each day and full super motivated to work out and get things done! I will be posting each week to document my journey!
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Hi @Hannah98

Its great that you have decided to track your journey!

Cant wait to read more about how you get on :)
How did you go through the weekend? @Hannah98

Are you experiencing any insomnia? Sometimes the effects of Duromine will build up, so around days 4-5 you start to feel the full affect.

Even if you dont have scales - maybe do your measurements :). Bet you will be able to see a big change there as well!
Hi @Rava throughput the weekend I have kept up with everything and been taking the duromine at 8am every morning. No signs of insomnia, I tend to get to sleep around 11:30 - 12am and am waking up around 7:30 - 8am. Its quite funny actually if anything the duromine has improved my sleeping pattern.

You are doing so well!

Thats great that you are having no sleep issues and you seem to have a better sleep pattern :). It always surprises me to hear how Duromine affects each and every one so differently!

How are you doing with your food intake? Is there anything special that you have decided to do? For me I have really tried to cut down my sugar. I can't give it up completely but I have gone from having 2 teaspoons a day in coffee (of which I had 6 - 8) to only 1 teaspoon, black with a max of 3 a day.

I have also cut out fruit this first month, in case it leads me to crave more sweets.
I know it’s so funny how everyone is taking the same thing and yet there is a different outcome for each individual!
Food wise I’m being very strict on myself which surprisingly enough hasn’t been to difficult. I’m having a bowl of saltana bran in the morning and just drinking a ton of water throughout the day (a literal ton a swear) and having a chicken salad (or something to that effect) for dinner.
@Hannah98 - you are doing so well with your food intake.

Are you eating any lunch? I know its really easy to forget when taking Duromine - I actually have an alert that pops up on my phone to remind myself to eat.

Even if it is something little like a boiled egg, it can keep your metabolism working just that little bit better :)

I also wanted to comment on how you are doing a 20 minutes work out as soon as you get up! I am so not that disciplined (wish I was!) I still cant do anything before I at least have a cup of coffee lol!

I think thats fantastic!
I’m pretty lazy when it comes to lunch and I’ve been forgetting hahaha
Yeah thanks I’m trying to stay as disciplined as I can!
@Hannah98 - you've got this!

Cant wait to hear about your first week results :)
@Hannah98 - how was the rest of your week?

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  • Hannah98
    2 WEEKS
    Sorry that I haven’t updated! My computer had to be fixed :( I am super happy with how things...

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