First week without D - Week 21 weigh in

  • Author Smick
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
My first full week without D has been challenging.
My energy levels are down a little and I have to make a conscious decision to be more active. I have found I am doing things because they have become a part of my routine, which is great, BUT my enthusiasm is not present.
Food wise I have had good and bad days. Mostly good but the two bad days were pretty bad. Alcohol does me in and I end up making very bad choices. :oops:
The result.....
Weighed in this morning and scales said.... 93.0 kg
That is a loss of 0.4 kg since last week.
This week has shown me that I can do it even without the D.
Things have been slow for the past few weeks and I was expecting a gain or to stay the same.
Big effort next week to prove to myself that I can still get a good loss.
I am now more than half way to a healthy weight. @ 72 kilos I will be at the top of my healthy weight range. That is 21 more kilos to go. I have lost 25 so far. 7 more kilos and I will no longer be considered obese. Now that is a day I am looking forward to.
I hope everyone is having a great week
Sharon xoxo

Start Weight: 117 kg (17 June 2014)
Current Weight : 93.0 (-24.0)
Goal Weight: 65 kg

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Almost there!! so close now Smick!!! soooooo close !!!!!... what a day that is going to be for you .. a loss is a loss, well done friend... remember these bad days are normal days actually, for the rest of your life you will ave these "bad days " from time to time, and now you know it does nto set you back, enjoy those days, and then work hard at getting back on track, that is the "norm" in the past ,we used to NOT get back on track ,and keep going down hill. AND GAINING WEIGHT, now we have the tools like all other fit, skinny ,healthy ,people , eat wrong,pay hard for it, choices we make right ? we have a "go too "place now, to undo it all, and this is our gift to us, a life long gift, when we hit those valleys from time to time ... You are mastering this Smick, you have made this a way of life now, soon you will not cut yourself up about the bad days, as you know what to do .. keep going girl... so proud of you , x :) :) :) :)
Big Girl SA
Hi Smick,

We started our journeys at about the same time (and weight), I did the first few kilos (13.1kg) without D, and it is perfectly normal to lose between 0.3 - 1kg per week. I am at a total of 18kg lost by now (CW 96.7), I have only been on Duromine for 2 weeks, and still need to lose 36.7kg. You are such an inspiration to all of us, please keep believing in yourself, we all believe in you. You can do this, for the long run, because it isn't a diet, but a lifestyle change, as you have proven to yourself this week without the D!
Just a few words from me - it is a LOSS, not gain. It means a lot that even "bad days" did not make you gain any weight. So, I think you are doing great!
Absolutely Kate. I'm thrilled that I have had a loss. My message though is that it is a struggle.
Today was the first day I ignored my alarm and had a sleep in. I will still exercise later. Have planned a bike ride. But on the D I would never have let myself do that. I can see that if I am not on the ball it would be easy to fall into old habits. I have to remain vigilant so I do not undo all the good work.
The plan is to have a break then resume the D over the silly season. I know I am not ready to go it on my own long term just yet.
I like how motivated I am on the D. I get things done. I wish I could be as motivated without it.
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I believe human is a creature that gets used to everything. Just needs time.

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