Fresh start

  • Author NewBeginnings
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
This is harder to start type then what I had imagined so let’s just get straight to it.

I’m 34 years old, 1.74cm tall and weigh in at 130km (sounds like a boxing match). Well it is definitely going to be a fight, me vs. the fat. I have always been overweight but this is an all-time high for me. I’m now classified by medical standards as morbidly obese, that is both sad and shocking. I have tried to lose weight by myself, but it just seems as if the mind-set is not correct. The year in which I turned 30 I decided to stop smoking, couldn't do it on my own, so I went to see the doctor to prescribe me Zyban (worked like charm, have not smoked in 4 years). So when I was faced with this weight issue of mine I thought to myself, why don’t I get medical help, just as I did when I wanted to stop smoking. One has got to learn that there is no shame in asking for help. I did my research and when to see my local GP which had no problem in giving me 3 month prescription of 30mg Duromine. Went to fill it immediately and took my first pop at 6 this morning. No serious side effect, just thirsty, but the obsessive need for food was not as bad.

My mission in these 3 months is to learn how to eat correctly, exercise and to change my lifestyle, because unlimitedly that is what needs to happen otherwise this weight problem will persist for the rest of my life. As I have so much weight to lose (about 65kg) the plan is to be on Duromine for 3 months, go off it for a month and then go on for another 3 months. Well this is the plan; let us see how it pans out.

I have read some of the blogs and it seems that the support give to fellow members is amazing. We all need encouragement and as this is such an embarrassing problem for me (don’t really want to discuss it with people) it is good to know that there are people out there in the same boat who will not judge. Will definitely update my stats and progress to keep myself motivated and focused.


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