
  • Author Smick
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
What the.....
I hopped on the scales and my weight has jumped up to 108. :eek::mad:
I know it is only 0.4 kg BUT until now my weight was steadily going down every couple of days and it is 3 days and I am up. grrrrr.
Have had the cr@ppiest week.
Depressed, irritable, fighting with my daughter, not talking to my husband and now THIS!
Trying to build bridges with daughter and now speaking to hubby (though he doesn't deserve it), still a bit down and feeling yuck, working on it though.
Have stuck to my calories but weight has still crept up.
I wonder if the D is causing my depressed mood?
I have NEVER been this bad. :oops:
Anyway. I am going to make a huge effort to drink heaps of water and flush my system so that I can have a loss or even get back to where I was.....


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