Getting my life back

  • Author Scarlett Treloar
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 3 min read
Well where do I began..

Last February I moved back from the United States with my Aussie Husband of 33 years .
I thought at the time I could cope with being away from my home which is Georgia in the United States.
After all I had lived here for 17years after I immigrated with my parents in 1981
I met my husband and was married at 17 .
We had all of 5 of our children here in Australia

In 1996 we were given the opportunity to move to the United States to live on a family farm so we decided to take that opportunity sold everything we owned here and left In December 1996
I never regretted the decision because our children were given opportunities we may not have been able to give them here.

I always loved Australia though and considered it home as well

Well Now all of our Children are grown our youngest is 22 and will graduate from nursing school in August .
With all of that said lol .. We came over to work with the Aboriginal people in the outback and nothing has gone to plan.
I left my children my home and granchildren and a great job to do what I thought was a good thing.

We got here and immediately moved in with my mother in law .
we get along fine but I miss my kitchen my stuff etc. I began to feel trapped here and plunged into a deep depression therefore gained weight had many trips to the Doctor , developed stomach ulcers, and was put in the hospital in October of last year very sick basically the stress was killing me slowly
I cant explain the terror I felt and still do at times of not seeing my babies again .

After a lot of very hard days I kicked myself in the but and decided that I could not control a lot of things but my health was one thing I could control to some extent.
i decided to take my life back

On Jan 21st I saw a Doc talked to him about several issues and we came up with a plan
I weighed 108 kilos and had had enough I started Duromine 30mg on Jan 22nd and as of today I weigh 97 kilos
My goal is to be 70kgs by the end of MAY
I work out everyday but, Sunday and, I stick to a 1200 calorie a day diet again, on Sunday I eat that one thing I may crave.
I am very aware of what goes into my body and how hard it is to work off that candy bar I use to love .
I try to burn off 800 calories a day in my work out sometimes more.
Workouts include cardio, strength and I do a Zumba aqua class once a week.
Duromine has given me the kick start I needed . I only take one every other day or less
knowing that its really up to me to take care of myself

After a great deal of soul searching and some guilt as well we have decided to return to the states to live . The simple truth I cant be where my family is not.
We are booking our tickets for May 20th
We have a new Gran baby due May 25th and will be home just in time to see his beautiful face

I wish you all the best in your journey


What a story of life!
Welcome dear Scarlett to our "family" :)
Like I said - you are doing great, just slow down a little bit with exercises (you know that) and don't be upset if you have a smaller weight loss by the time you wanted. Everybody is different and we must listen to our body what it tells us. I wish you a great weight loss and no side effects.
P.S. Weekly photos help to see changes in measurements/weight.;)
Hi Scarlett
I agree with everything that Kate said.
My first month I lost around 10 kilos and thought GREAT! but after that things slowed considerably and it has taken me a little over 6 months to lose 30 kilos. I averaged around 1 kg a week while on the D. Off the D it is more like 0.5 kg a week. Most doctors will only give you 3 or 4 months prescription. I have had great results even though I still have 15-20 kilos to go.
From reading many of the blogs, it appears that most people are similar. Huge weight loss in the first couple of weeks then a more modest loss in the following weeks.
It seems you have the right attitude though, so you should have no trouble.
It is always hard being away from family. I hope you have a great reunion and are happy with your decision.
Scarlett Treloar
Hello Everyone,

Its seems like forever since I have been on here
Things are going well my weight lost is 13 kg in around 8 weeks
I am still working out almost every day but do strength training and Zumba once a week
weight loss has stopped for 2 weeks now and I was getting very frustrated knowing how hard I was working but came to realize that 13 kg is still amazing and it will take time

my inches though are smaller and clothes that I brought with me are very loose now and clothes I have bought since being here I gave away the other day miles to big so I am pleased with that
90 kg is my next goal

We had some more great news we are expecting another grandchild in NOV our daughter Kylie is pregnant so that was the confirmation I needed to return

I will try to load some pics I am having issues doing it and not sure why but Ill keep trying .
everyone at home sees the difference in my face and neck area . I notice in those as well as my legs and arms . I am trying to tone my arms as I go but WOW it is hard lol
I go back to the Doc to be weighed I'm am not taking my second month script very often I have 15 left and I am 2 weeks over due for my 3rd month lol
The energy level is what I need at times but have found that if Ill rest from exercise 2 days a week I feel better not so fatigued.
One thing I found I have to sleep my body needs it and its just as important as exercise and watching your calorie intake

Hope everyone is doing well
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Congratulations Scarlett. Sounds like things are going great. Another grand baby on the way AND good weight loss.
I found that the first place my weight loss was noticed by others was in my face and neck as well.
13 kg is wonderful! Keep doing what you are doing and the weight will slowly come off. I sometimes feel like I am going at a snails pace at the moment, but when I look at the big picture I realise how far I have come. Every 5 or 10 kg loss brings with it huge health benefits and the added bonus is that you look better in your clothes and have much more energy. You are going to need all that energy with two grand babies on the way!
Scarlett Treloar
Thank you,
went to the Doc yesterday and its 14.5 kilos
he gave me my last scrip for Duromine
But I have 15 left from last months
The thing I love is the health benefits the most
Blood pressure and BMI down
I think Smick that its not a bad thing we don't see it as others do it keeps us going lol
Sounds like your doing great as well

I look at it this way I'm not where I want to be but I'm not where I was either.
Granbabies aww I cant wait to see them
we have two already and the are my heartbeat these two will be the same .
Hope to chat soon

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Scarlett Treloar
Read time
3 min read
Last update

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    over half way
    Hi everyone, I went to the Doctor last week and I was 14.5 kilos or 32 plus pounds down at the...

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