getting started

  • Author Edie
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
I've been sitting here trying to come up with something witty and clever to introduce myself, with no luck, so I figure lets just put it put it out there without the bells and whistles. Lets face it, procrastination is weights best friend :)
I am 38 years old and 30kgs over what I was 3 years ago before I fell pregnant with my 3rd child. Back then, I was finally happy with my weight, I felt fit and healthy and I didn't wobble! I was 72kgs and at 5ft 4 ( I think ) I was told that I was obese, pfft please. I looked great, I felt great and I had muscles and definition that I hadn't had since I was a teenager. Luckily, I was in a good place when the Dr told me that ( which, indecently, she wasn't my actual Dr, just a fill in for that day) as her words didn't faze me, now, they would rip me in two.
I had my last child November 2014 after a pretty cruisey pregnancy, but ended up spending the majority of October in Hospital which resulted in the recommendation that I have my tubes done. It wasn't a decision we made lightly, but after 3 emergency C-Sections ( I fall easily, have great pregnancies, my body just can't cope with Labor ) we decided that it was something that I needed to do.
Anyhoo, after a bout of PND and anti depressants for 10 months, the weight just piled on. I think the combination of everything just slammed me, and, here we are.
I am pretty careful with my diet and I exercise at least twice a week, sometimes more, I lead a very busy and active life, but nothing I do seems to shift this weight.
My Dr recommended I go on Duromine 30mg to 'jump start' me losing weight. She's made me aware of the risks and after a health check, turns out I am super healthy.
I have to admit, I am a little apprehensive as the possible side affects are pretty horrid. I can and do suffer with anxiety, but I am really good at controlling it. I'm not on any other medication, other than hayfever tablets, and apart from being ridiculously busy, my stress levels are pretty good.
I have a function on this weekend where I know that I will have a few drinks so I won't be started my Duramine until Monday.
Any tips? Anything I should watch out for? What experiences have you all had, good and bad?
Lets hope this journey is a positive one for me.... :)


Hello Edie! Thank you very much for sharing your story! I hope your Duromine journey goes successfully for you and you will enjoy posting your progress here, as well. Have a wonderful fun weekend, and let’s see how your first day on Duromine goes. I can totally relate to your fears about side effects – it’s a normal thing to worry. Yet all we can do is to see how everything happens in your case. Fingers crossed on no or mild side effects and great results! Looking forward to following your story. Cheers!

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