Good news

  • Author Smick
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Last week I returned to see the endocrinologist. Had blood tests last week and my GP office was sent copies. I was concerned because they rang me twice to get me to come in to review the results :confused: but I told them the tests were ordered by the specialist and was going to review the results with him. Anyway, he said that all is good. I don't need to have thyroid meds :laughing:, I'm not likely to develop diabetes :laughing: and everything else looks normal. I don't need to go back to see him unless there is a spike in my Thyroid results. I need to have a blood test done every 6 months to keep an eye on my thyroid but other than that, I have no health issues. :p

He is very impressed with my weight loss. As he deals with a lot of people who need to lose weight (diabetics), he often prescribes for weight loss. We discussed the Duromine and he said that if I find I am struggling that I could have another course in a couple of months time to help me with the last 10-15 kilos. Last year he was suggesting another drug to help with weight loss, which involved daily injections, but at this visit said I didn't need that. I'm glad, I had decided I did not want that anyway.

I am slowly getting back to routine. Exercising heaps. I look a lot smaller and many people are commenting but the scales are sticking to the same number. A little frustrating, but I am also getting muscles and feeling much stronger. When I finally am at goal, I'm sure there will be some wicked abs to show off LOL.

Start Weight: 117 kg (17 June 2014)
Current Weight : 87.7 kg (-29.3)
Healthy Weight Range: 58-72 kg
Goal Weight: 65 kg



Wow that's fantastic news about your thyroid Sharon, losing the weight really makes a difference:) it's a great feeling when people make positive comments on how you are looking, your hard work, motivation & exercising has really paid off. Wishing you a lighter scale for your next weigh in;) x

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