Half Way Mark!!!!

  • Author IWantToBeHappy
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
I have never stated what my goal weight is exactly, but I do know that it has to be in the healthy weight range for my height. At 164 cm that means I have to be under 65kg.

I'm currently half way through my second month of 30mg Duromine.

SW = 85.7kg
CW = 75.2kg
Lost 10.5kg in a little over 7 weeks.

If I lose that again in the remaining half of a 3 month duration on duromine I'll be just under 65kg!!!!

Currently dancing around the room with pride whilst I type this :cool::cool:

I hope everyone else is achieving what the set out to achieve :)

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Thank you Rune :) How is your journey going?
Today is day 12 and I have lost 2kgs. I am happy with that, my goal is to lose 5.6kg (to reach 85kg) with my first pack. I am so happy to see your weight loss, it is really motivating!
I'm thrilled to know that my weight loss can motivate you :)

I've just read and liked your 1st blog entry.

I must say it's so refreshing to read someone being honest with themselves and take responsibilty and not make excuses. I respect you ALOT for that.

We all have our stories about why we are hear and have our own struggles, I just loved reading you being honest and holding yourself accountable.

I am looking forward to watching you succeed on this journey, because with that 'no bullshit cut the crap' mentality that you wrote about, I have no doubt you will succeed!!!!
;) xx
Great result! And you can be proud of yourself, you did it!

We're dancing with you! Yay! :laughing::)
Hey there

great results well done.... we have almost the same stats.... SW-96 CW-83 GW-70

I have just started Duromine 2 days ago....

Please share what you ate? i am worried i'm not eating enough.... i have no appetite at all so im worried that my body will go into starvation mode...
How many calories do you consume a day?

Thanks in advance
Hi there,

Your starting weight was 96kg and in 2 days your current weight is 83kg????

My god girl, if you can lose 13kg in two days you could be a millionare selling your secrets ;)

I see lots of people comment on this forum about starvation mode and how they attribute it to putting on weight. I however disagree with this idea and view 'starvation mode' COMPLETELY different!!!

Before I go on a rant I'll just point out that I believe 1200cals per day IS the SAFE and CORRECT way to go about long term healthy weight loss ;)

Firstly ....If you restrict your calories (eg 800-1000cals per day) of course you will lose weight. You would never put on weight if you are hardly eating. HOWEVER you also arent giving your body enough fuel so you will get tired, moody, poor concentration, fatigued, lack energy to do stuff. And that's no fun because even though you might be losing weight you'll be too tired to do anything!!!

Secondly.... Starvation mode comes after a PROLONGED period of calories restriction (we're talking months not a week or two) and it's at this stage that your body will start taking the food engergy to fuel your organs which results in your metabolism slowling down. It's at this point that your weight loss would also slow down and if/when you go back to eatting more normally and more realistic then yes the weight would come back.

Im assuming you are taking Duromine not only to lose weight but also to maintain it and keep it off?!.

That's why you need to use this very lucky chance you've been given to make changes to your diet that you can sustain. The fact we have no or very little appetite is awesome cos we dont reach for the crap food but we still need to be conscious of what we are eating.

When its breakfast or lunch time and im not hungry and dont want to eat anything, ill ask myself one simple question..."when im no longer taking an appetite suppressant will I be able to skip this meal and still function normally for the rest of the day??" When the answer is no, then ill make myself eat something!! That means I never skip breakfast lunch or dinner!!!

I try to have 1200 cals each day. Some days I might only have 1000 but that will because I've been out and couldn't get lunch. I don't make a habit of that though and it most certainly won't put my body into starvation mode.

Ill also try and have 2 snacks throughout the day, firstly cos its a way of getting to 1200cals but secondly because everything Ive ever read suggests these inbetween snacks are good for us. And by snack I mean an apple, or carrot, or yogurt.

Basically im eatting only healthy food and at a level that i can maintain when im off Duromine.

Breakfast - either boiled egg & wrap, or allbran and yogurt, or fruit and yogurt.
Lunch - always a turkey and lettuce sandwich/wrap
Dinner - low calorie frozen meal.

I hope this helped a little bit but ask away if you have more questions.

Goodluck and use this opportunity to change your life. It's amazing!!!!

Hey There

Thank you so much for your response, i really appreciate it ...

Gosh lol... i wish i could loose weight that fast.... that 96 kg was about 8 months ago... I am now currently on the 84...

Your response has really helped me, i really need to try get in 1200 cals a day.that's my biggest challenge because i'm not hungry at all.

I hope that my weight loss is as successful as yours..

Thanks a mil...

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