
  • Author ceetee
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 3 min read
I started duromine with my sisters prescription because I was not overweight. I was still classified 'healthy'. However, over the past year due to depression and issues I was undergoing... I had an eating disorder. I could go a day without eating and by the next I would eat anything I see without even realising. I would over-eat all the time!!!! It became apart of my life. FOOD! Seemed to be the only thing that was making me happy. BAD food. I Put on 15kg so FAST. My clothes didn't fit. Everyone threw comments, especially these past few months. It was so noticable. I wasn't comfortable going out, I wore clothes that covered my fat. I was so ashamed, everyone used to compliment me on my body and I would look through old photos and just cry! but then I would just eat more? I know, that does not make sense. So my sister was prescribed duromine because she is overweight and I asked her if i could go on it for a few days. So we halved the supply of 40mg! strongest level... So i barely ate at first. I was on it for 10 days and lost like 7kg even though the last few days I ate so much! I wasn't exersizing either, was just working non-stop. balancing 2 jobs. Prior to taking duromine I started gym about a month before and attempted to eat healthy, didn't lose that much and I couldn't wait anymore i was so eager. So after the 10 days of duromine I ate so much i put on 7 kilos in 2 weeks. So i started duromine again 12 days ago I eat and sometimes I don't. But i have had takeaway and junk which is bad. also after big meals I drink a glass of Colon herbal tea which is for constipation & weight loss.. So i can go to the bathroom. Because duromine made me constipated the first time. So from yesterday I decided not to eat any bad foods, So i went the whole day with having only a pear. And today just tuna. But I drink 2-3L of water everday. And I have been excersizing. I need to lose 8kg in 2 weeks because I have a wedding and I need to fit into the dress I don't want to put the weight on when i get off. I just want to be skinny again. I want to start a new healthy lifestyle. I know I can lose 8 or more in 2 weeks if i barely eat, and when I do only healthy food. But I don't want to pile it on after? After the 2 weeks, I'll still have just under 1 week of duromine left, I want to eat normal then at least 5 small meals and excersize a lot. To get my body ready for when I'm off it. I have to make sure I reach my goal! I am so uncomfortable with myself....... I look pregnant no joke. I'm so bloated because I have a small body frame I just bloat and that's why it is so obvious! I have had the worst experiences and year this year that will harm me forever. I let myself go, I put on weight, had the worst skin, never took care of myself. I was on the verge of suicide. Now i'm back on track, I started using ProActiv and in only a few days there has been a massive improvement. I just want to be how I used to be.. Happy with myself, comfortable. I don't know what to do anymore, my sister who was overweight is like my weight now and shes still losing when shes on it and when she isn't. I know i have a problem, I actually think I am sick! I will not stop till I am my goal weight.:(


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