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  • Author Treadmeal
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Been to GP got prescription starting tomorrow.


Good on you for starting welcome to the journey:) I use an app called my fitness pal have a look at it as it counts your calories or kilojoules whichever you prefer also your exercise and water consumption .... I find using the app keeps me accountable... Wishing you a lighter scale for your weekly weigh in ;)
Thanks one went well...felt a little strange in the morning...but ate healthy did half hour on the tready and slept far so good. Had a sneak peak at the scales at already down 500 grams. :rolleyes:
Lol we can't resist the sneak peek I know I do it occasionally :p .. I really try not to as somtimes you have a slight gain or have stayed the same prior to your weigh in day, that messes with my head so I choose not to do it ;) 500 gms loss already is fantastic :)
lol...I've been on the calorie king site several know well the pitfalls of TTOM and plateaus. I'm not looking for a quick fix, just a good start. . I usually weigh in weekly first thing in the morning after going to the bathroom. Whether it's the yo yo dieting over the years, plus approaching the big 50, have been finding it harder in recent years to shift weight. Took me 6 months to lose 8 kilos and 2 months to put it back on plus 2 :eek: My daughter had amazing results with duromine last year and she's kept the weight off..she encouraged me to approach my GP. It does stun me though how people can be so negative about the medication. I recall one poor lady getting hammered on calorie king after she posted she was taking duromine in the forums. I used champax to give up smoking.. and liken this to the same. Very early days. :) the duromine is helping control the hunger, leaving me to concentrate on healthy eating and portion control, and touch wood no nasty side effects as yet. I have a very good Dr who will be monitoring. I've had a good look around this site...and the people here seem very supportive and... rationale lol.
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Hi Leah, I never heard of calorie king I will google it ..fantastic that your daughter has lost & it's a positive story .... Good on you for giving D a go it really works have a great week :)

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