Here we go!!! Day 1

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Morning everyone
So glad I found this forum this morning. I have started an instagram blog to keep me accountable but have started Duromine 30 today and am going to keep the duromine part off my insta blog as I don't want the negativity on there as it is to be used to keep me positive. I started my weightloss journey just over 5 weeks ago using Lite n Easy 5 days a week and doing 5:2 so fasting (500cals a day) 2 days a week. I am some days struggling with hunger and tiredness so hoping Duromine will help me get motivated to get back to gym. Off to Hawaii in October and turning 40 next year so want to be looking fabulous for both of these occasions.
Thats enough about me for now, will go have a read and get inspired by your entries :)


Hello Sarah! Welcome to the forum! It’s so nice to meet you! so, you’re 5 weeks on your weight loss program. You must have some nice results already. =) I wish that Duromine gives you what you need to keep going strong and steady and, of course, to get back to the gym! Fingers crossed for no side effects and your positive results during this journey! Have a great day!
Would love to hear how ur first week goes.. do Starting my first day today..

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