Hi guys!

  • Author hellomello
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Age: 19
Weight: 87kgs
Goal: 60kgs

I started on the 30mg duromine yesterday. I took it at 10am and had a bit of trouble sleeping. I didn't eat any solids throughout the day and had about 4 - 5 litres of water, tea and juice. My aim is to consistently lose 2.5kgs every week as I plan to stay on duromine for at least 3 months. I'll probably try to eat better sized meals today as I heard that duromine can make you gain more weight after you stop taking it if you don't make conscious efforts to eat healthy.

Will update and weigh in soon! (In 6 more days)
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YUP ! eating consistently during the day is a better choice, for now and for later , eating al l your calories for the day,and getting some form of exercise is at least 3x a week, is a good start to a healthier fitter lifestyle and a better you , mentally, emotionally, physically all go hand in hand, try to take D before 10 am, the earlier the better and you will get at least 2 extra hours of sleep in , I do it first thing when I get out of bed, around 5:30am /6am huge difference, I am in bed by 9 /10 most nights now, used to get to bed around 12pm /1pm. hahaha..

Eating solid food is key for a good digestion and happy tummy, even if it is only salad or fruit girl, your body needs it ,even on sitting days , we need fuel for our bodies to function correctly, starving has never shown healthy results in any humans, ever , they might look skinny and gr8 on the outside, but internally, they depriving their body and organs from nutrition and fuel that is needed ,and they never smile or look happy, do they.. lol .. So BALANCE is Key, D is just there to "help" you and guide you on your way to balance food, water, and exercise for life changes ..

Accept that you will NOT ,lose 2.5kg a week girl !! some weeks the body just fights your plan, hormone fluctuation, exercise, your diet, not enough sleep, can affect the scale ,so do not set yourself up for disappointment, it is gr8 that you have set these goals, but set realistic ones, 1 kg a week is slow and steady and is a very good result if you having to lose 20 plus kg , some weeks you may lose double , some you may stay the same and other times you may only lose a few grams, it is NORMAL. you not alone , ok ? ... Remember to measure yourself on those days the scale does not show progress, it helps to keep your mind focussed and on track for the BIG goal you have at the end of this journey , keep going, you can do this, it is up to you .. let us know how it goes .. :)
HOW IS YOUR WEEK GOING Hellomello?? any changes, ?sleeping better ?
Thank you so much for all your guidance! Your tips have been great! I'm sleeping much better, my headaches still occur in the evening and I'm slowly eating a lot more. I'm only doing a bit of exercise though, most cardio, probably between 4 hours of walking a week. I don't know how to incorporate any other form of activity into the day, partially because I'm busy and then always tired at night.
I'm afraid to step on the scale because I feel as if Ive gained weight on again. I will start measuring my waist and so on once I buy a measuring tape. Do you know if it is wise to skip days of duromine? If so do you know how many days I can skip it a week? I feel like I need a rest from the headaches..
Try skipping it every second day for now, just to ween yourself off, if the headaches still do not go away, then stop taking them, and mention it to your doctor when you go for a follow up..I did the take none for a week thing , but it confuses the body too much , it is better to try and keep a balance, 3x a week, and maybe to consecutive days , like a weekend, but I do not think the whole week thing or month is helps in the long term, especially if u need to lose lots of weight, I personally think ,I messed around to much trying drastic things with my D, and that has partially prevented me from being focussed mentally , and physically on my goal , at the moment I am taking D 3x a week, and it is working for me , but each person is different so you will need to find out what works for you, keep us posted on your experiences, it helps to learn from each other..If you have gained weight, try not to worry about it to much, just try and find a balance, have a food journal and stick to it.

A food diary/journal helps you to eat ALL your food for the day, and shows you where you going wrong, also right down how you feeling that day, it makes all the difference to see what your body needs and does when you off track, as this need to become a new way of life for you long term, once you are off of D, I have to remind my self of this often, I have not been positive the last month and a half has been a serious challenge for me, but I am back on track 100% now, and I KNOW WHAT MY BODY NEEDS and what I have to do and eat to keep it balanced, but it does take time to find your balance, so be patient, but stay honest and true to yourself, and listen to your body, check those headaches out if they do not go away, not a good sign , it could still be toxins in your body, if you drink loads of caffeine, or chocolate, in your diet, and take D , these side effects can occur, and if you not drinking enough water, that will happen , too and of course if you not eating healthy nutritious foods , and lack of sleep too .. So try the things you have asked me , and go from there , I am no expert, or doctor, or dietician, hee hee, only sharing my experiences ,and what others have shared on their journeys, have a good week , hope you get some gr8 sleep too ..

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