High Fat Diet!!! Yes your reading that right I said HIGH FAT!

  • Author shazzabig
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
I received my guidelines for food from my Trainer Sunday evening and to be honest I was reading it think what is this idiot talking about. How can someone with 24 years experience want me to eat like this.
So I started to research and was totally amazed by the information I found. Channel 2 had recently just done a story on this diet and the story was well worth watching.
Basically everything we have been told about Fats is wrong. Now don't get carried away. I am talking good fats here. There is a massive movement at the moment to get the food pyramid changed to represent the fact that fats should be the most consumed.
I sat back and had a think about this. I know for a fact my Grandparent and Parents ate full fat foods. Not skim or low fat. All these products are full of sugar and are highly processed. I thought about my childhood and what I got feed as a child. Again it was full fats food. And no thats not why I am in this situation.
So basically the diet as I said above is full fat. So for breaky I have bacon, eggs, mushrooms cooked in butter and avocado. Bacon is cooked in butter, eggs are cooked in butter and as I said so are the mushrooms. You can have a knob of butter in your morning coffee too. When you have meats you make sure you don't cut the fat off and lamb chops are certainly aloud (I love lamb chops). I am doing no dairy at the moment also but you can have a blob of sour cream with your meals too (yes full fat sour cream). You eat when your hungry and until you feel full.
Honestly I am still getting my head around this full fat thing. The first couple of days I did feel a little off because my

Apart from that my training sessions are going good. My good am I in pain now but it feels good also.
The downside is he really doesn't want me on duromine. He is worried he want be able to judge my progress or lack of if the duromine is covering things. I can kinda understand where he is coming from. I understand that he wants to get me through this with drugs but I just don't know. This is only my third week. I haven't seen no increase in energy or decrease in appetite so I guess I could stop taking them but again I don't know. My dr was lifting them to 40mg next month. I just don't know what to do.

Can't wait to weigh in on Sunday!!


Fats are good, nobody argues on that.
But you should read about butter better LOL :laughing:
You see, when you eat butter alone (making sandwich or put it in the porridge, pasta, etc.) - it's good, but when you fry something with it (high temperature) - butter produces BAD cholesterol that settles on your blood vessels walls((. The idea is to eat fats but not fry with them. Some nutritionist suggest to throw away all frying pans haha
Frying itself isn't a bad thing its what you use with in that is the issue. Its all about smoke points. Use the right fat for what you are doing and you will be fine.
With the high fat diet you should cook things on a lower heat to ensure the fats stay good.
I don't agree that frying pans are the issue I think its the way we use them that is the issue.
Hm maybe. But I think that "low heat" you are talking about is just not frying but stewing. Because the whole idea of frying is getting that crunchy crust, and if I cook on low heat and little oil - there is no crust. Maybe you do it differently))
I'll find the source where they say you should not put butter on a frying pan to protect your blood vessels.
Kate if you find it please link it for me. We do a lot of low heat frying. We cook our steak on a low heat to keep it tender. This is cooked in a mix of olive oil but butter. Also when caramelizing onions it's done on low heat with butter. We don't fry things to make them crisp. Deep frying to make crispy yeah (which we wouldn't do) but not general frying. We saute mushrooms on low heat which again is done in a frying pan with butter.
I would definitely be interested in reading the study you mentione.
When I am on my computer tomorrow I will put up a link to a program that has just recently been on TV. In it it talks about how for many years we have been told that butter cause cholesterol which in fact is incorrect. There has been studies done to back up their theory. A lot of low carb high fat recipes call for things to be fried in butter. I have spent the last week researching because I thought it was the most unhealthy diet i have heard of. I seriously wondered if my new trainer was all there but I am pretty with what I have read and the studies I have read to be wiwilling to give this ago.
Its hard because we have been told for so long about fats and how we should only be eating little amounts. It feels totally out of the norm to have fats as the most consumed part of your diet
Ok. I think you might be right. It's never late to learn, I guess I should reconsider my views about butter cooking. As for fats, I totally agree with you.
Mmm interesting I'm not sure I could handle this diet:eek:, I also need to investigate further ;)
I am still struggling with it. I have people telling me I need to eat more fat. My reply with are you kidding lol. It is very intervening investigating it though. Personally I thought it was rubbish lol i had to read factual information before I committed. Cant wait to see the result i get

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