Humidity is messing with my mojo !!! BIG TIME ......

  • Author Leigh'sgottalottolose
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Monday morning , day 3 of week 17 for me ...
HIGHS : did my boot camp 101 routine every day for the WHOLE week . Tick ..
: drank all water everyday ...Tick..
: Measured not weighed , got very good results ...Tick..

LOWS : did not eat ALL my calories , too hot to eat cooked food , Cross....
:did not take D Every second at least, so CRAVINGS for savoury and sugary things .Cross..
:did not journal on Saturday and Sunday ...Cross..
: did not exercise Saturday and Sunday(new week } FAR TOO HUMID ..Cross...

Summary... AIM was to eat and exercise and take D consistently , failed big time ... this is my First yr of experiencing Brissy SUMMER HUMIDITY... not going well so far ...UPSIDE, drinking ALL my water, grabbing salads and fruits and raw veg more than usual ...
BUT snacking on WRONG FOODS in between, like CHOCOLATE , HUGE CRAVING ..not adding all those EXTRA calories in my journal ... PMS soon BUT still no excuse I know the drill, did not stick to it ..only good thing that has come out of this week is my measurements and my exercise routine ..Counts for something right ? ...TWO WEEKS ago I had only lost 0.5cm around my hips this week I have lost 1.5cm around my hips. hill workout really do work for short stocky big butt people like me , hahahahaha .. will be doing this routine every day even if it kills me , lol ... the weird part is I did not lose on any other part of my body which I found to be rather odd.. My BMI is currently , 39.2 having started at 44.0 for that I am happish ...I will not lie, it is not easy not knowing what I weigh on the scale and will only be getting on the scale in two weeks time when I see my doc again ..lets hope I have the willpower to hold out that long ... So may this week be a better one on all levels ..Already had 800ml of water by 7am, it was far to humid at 6am today to exercise, it is getting cooler now at 10 am sounds weird, but Live in a rock face and now the humidity is above us so it is time for me to get my sneakers on and move it !! as by 4pm we start to sweat here in the shade from the humidity again ..MAY YOU ALL HAVE BETTER WEEKS THAN LAST WEEK, and last week is in the past , lets aim for good results today and the rest of the week, as we cannot change what has been but we can change our attitudes and learn from our mistakes from last week ... GO GO GOAL ...
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