I completely fell off the wagon today !!!

  • Author nadiafarhat
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
i ate a whole margarita pizza today :( soooo bad
i feel so guilty about it.


It's ok ... Be kind to yourself :) today is the 1st August it's a new month .. New day. ..... Get back on track ... We all have good and bad days it's about ...moving on and continuing with your journey ..,have a fantastic week :)
You can do this Nadiafarhat!!!! .... 1 slice with some salad on the side , is not a bad thing, you do not have to stop eating pizza, just ask yourself what triggered you to keep eating ? why did you eat the pizza? hunger? craving ? frustrated, depressed ,Duromine not enough ?etc etc.. Asking yourself these questions ,and writing it down in a eating journal prevents you the next time you want to do it again, and teaches you to be in tune with you body and mind, it will be a struggle as old habits are easy to run to.. but overcoming them tastes better than a whole pizza, or chocolate bar, hahahah ... well ..almost , :laughing:
Thank You Shelly and Leigh, I needed that. I couldnt stop beating myself up about it.
My mistake was not having my 6 meals throughout the day. I had 2 measly meals...barely meals to be honest. Plus i ate so late that of course i couldnt stop at 1 slice or not order the pizza AT ALL !!
iv written it in my journal and definitely going to remember how crappy i felt about it.
I have had a crappy week this week so far. Barely eating at all, tired, have taken two days off gym. Just don't feel motivated but today i weighed myself and realized iv gained 7g this week so tonight i pushed myself at the gym.
That kicked my butt right back into gear !!
Tomorrow is a new day and in 2 days is a new week. Not looking forward to Monday weigh in though.

Anyways night all thanks for reading.
xx good luck and go hard !!

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