I did it! - Week 24 weigh in.

  • Author Smick
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
I'm happy to report that I am now in the 80's (just)
89.9 kilos.
A total weight loss of 27.1 kilos.
A loss of only 0.7 kilos this week, but every little bit counts.
I am managing to consistently keep losing half, to a kilo each week while only having the D 3 days.
I'm increasingly confident that I am going to reach my goal.

Week 24 lost 0.7 kg
Start Weight: 117 kg (17 June 2014)
Current Weight : 89.9 kg (-27.1)
Healthy Weight Range: 58-72 kg
Goal Weight: 65 kg

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Congrats Sharon you did it we are so similar I got into the 80's on exactly the same number of kgs lol 89.9 must be the magical number ;););)have a great week :)
WHOOO OHOOOO girl !!! yes yes yes !!!! you chipping away it it nicely, slow and steady, this way we do do not have flabby skin at the end and our bodies are not shocked into it either, no muscle loss only fat loss is key for us , keep doing what you doing, so happy for you, I cannot wait to c the 80's , still a bit behind you , just seeing the 90's has be excited, have not seen them in 9 yrs, hahahaha... Have an awesome week ahead , :)
Shellyisme.. funny how the scale always stops on the. 9. it just won't give us that last 100g hahaha..we have to work for each 100g that's for sure !! ... HAHAHA .. I weighed in on 95.9 this morning, had a good chuckle... hope your week is a gr8 one ...

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