I finally made the call!!

  • Author mummyonamission
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
I have been thinking about starting duramine for so long but kept putting it off, because I felt embarrassed. 1: because I hate asking for help 2: Because I know its been compared to speed and I don't want my family doctor to judge me and 3: Well I didn't want to admit that I'm obese, the word alone makes me cringe.
So here I am putting it all out there. I'm a mum of two boys, 5 and 3. I put on 40 kgs during pregnancy and never lost it now I feel "stuck" it just wont budge. I'm 27 years old 163cm tall I don't own scales but the last time I weighed myself I think I was about 94kg but I also think iv gained since then by these calculations I think that makes my bmi around 37 which is not the healthy person I want so badly to be. We are a very active family and I feel like I'm the ball and chain holding them back. I am more determined then ever. I really really hope my doctor will allow me to use duramine I'm relatively healthy ie blood pressure is fine but if he doesn't I wont stop untill I find a doctor who will..


Fingers crossed for you to get the prescriptiom dear Mummyonmission! :)
It seems to me that you really need the pills to help you move on and lose excess weight faster and easier. And if you read a bit of our stories here, you'll see that it is not necessarily like "speed" like you were afraid, some people don't even have side effects except for the dry mouth, so I wish you luck!
Thank you I love reading the stories it helped me make the call to book an appointment with my doctor. I cant get until Saturday so the anxious wait has begun. Do you know if a doctor has the right to refuse if I'm generally healthy, apart from the obvious weight issue.
Good luck Hun!!
Sadly yes some Drs hate the stuff, lucky I got a doctor that's all for it.
We all need to ask for help sometimes so don't be ashamed though I know how you feel, I actually felt like kaka asking the dr as I had recently done it with no pills.
Don't tell friends etc cause sadly they do judge , well some do but it's your choice and in no time you'll be out having fun with your family too.
Where do you live?
Go out get some scales and don't put yourself down, you have two young kidlets that love you for you no matter what size you are and know you can do this!!
Good luck on Saturday!! And don't be disheartened if the Dr says no so many hate the pills and you will find one that will be on your side xxxxx
Hi thank you for your kind words. I to have done well in the past loosing weight after my first child I lost 25 kgs then as I finally smashed goal and reached 52kgs I fell pregnant with my second and was struck down with the worst morning sickness it made me not be able to move with out feeling sick and I couldn't maintain what I worked so hard for. 3 years after my second child I'm the biggest iv ever been in my life and I'm having no luck loosing a single kilo doesn't help that I love white bread lol. I live on the central coast N.S.W. May I ask where you are from? if we are in the same area and my doctor decides he doesn't like duromine then id love to know where the doctors are that do. Oh and I will get some scales soon I keep forgetting about it when I go out
Hello Mummyonamission... its a big thing.. coming to the conclusion that help is needed.. I agree with Vix in keeping this experience to yourself.. Do it just for you and allow others who are on the same journey be your support.. Be aware of the possible side effects - for your children more than anything... lack of sleep for a Mumma with young ones can possibly make you 'short' in patience etc with your kids... Remember their little souls are impressionable... That said - do this for you!! Continue to find a Dr who will support your need for weight loss.. perhaps describe how the weight effects your movement, joints, how heavy you feel and how tired your body feels from carrying so much additional weight..
They are expensive - be prepared for that too - one script of 30x 30mg is approx $110... 40mg -.close to. $130.. its money you will need before the 30 day script finishes so you can continue.. (dr prescribes for up to 3 months, typically - but one 30 day script at a time).. If you can afford this - try not to feel guilty for allowing yourself this help... and then - dont be afraid....!! Know your mission and hop to it.. Good Luck on Saturday!
Lol the first time I lost a serious amount of weight I fell pregnant AGAIN! Think our husbands find us too sexy
I'm in Sydney hills district lovely so not too close but close enough if you really can't find a dr willing to give you them
Ohhh I love bread too but funny enough don't eat it (until yesterday) not sure why , too busy eating my way through chocolate probably lol
Yes go get scales Hun,
And go get your duromine and start a new you
Deanna is right too they are dear but I figure that's what I would spend on my chocolate haul a month so well worth it
Good luck with your dr xxxx
Feeling pretty shattered at this point, Drs office called me to say my appointment has to be changed as my Dr wont be there then also added in that there is a $75 fee on Saturdays when he bulk bills during the week days. so iv had to cancel untill I can find a time that suits me during the week.. Not an easy thing to do when its 30-45 minute drive away, two young children, a partner that works 6am to 6:30pm and I'm embarrassingly still on my learners license so getting there by public transport would take over an hour with a 3 year old that cant sit still and is obsessed with buttons lol. Sorry to have a rant here I just had to get that off my chest.
Oh nooooo!! Seriously they charge in a Saturday too!!
You'll get there!! Just think of it as a positive and that your not meant to go on Saturday, I know that doesn't help BUT do believe everything happens for a reason, not sure what that is but you never know :)
Is there another dr closer to you? Medical centre or anything?
Haaaa rant away lovely lady!! If it makes you feel better why not
There is a medical center or two around here but they only do walk ins and the wait could be anywhere from an hour to well over 2 hours. I need to ring around and find a bulk billing Dr that's close to me..but im not giving up yet.
Good on you !!!
Let us know how you go.
God I must be dumb I thought all Drs bulk billed lol
Have a great night xxx
Things definately Do or Don't happen for a reason... Vix is sooo right with that!!

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