I need support

  • Author catherine kendall
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hi there,

My problem is eating after bed time. The toast/cereal chocolate is calling my name, and I can't settle until I have it. I have read countless websites, watched countless shows on weight and for whatever reason nothing matters in that moment.
Today I started Duromine, I recently had back surgery and my weight is not helping my recovery.
Does anyone else have this problem?
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YUP I used to have the munchies big time at night, slow metabolism, and thyroid sluggish, my problem is I can go the WHOLE day not eating then overating at night, as I found out aftert being diagnosed with a slow metabolism, that my metabolism only kicks starts at night, and is slow in the day, hence the weight gain, eat like a mad thing at night and sit and sleep, and i n the day my metabolism is s-o s-l-o-w and I run around like a crazy person, I SHOULD BE THIN ..
so the tuff thing for me was, it is a habit, not a need, right ?? you know this right ? if you do not, then you need to get your head in that place and accept that it is that !! THIS IS STEP ONE, own it accept it believe it and want to change it,like all habits it is hard but can be done ..

watching TV and eating was a bad habit of mine, no time to enjoy your meal or even taste it ,just wolf it all down, then 10 min or an hour later looking in the cupboard for munchies ..well my hubby is a snacker and he past in this "wonderful "
habit forming ritual onto me, notice I BLAME HIM ..lol STEP 2.. take responsibility and action , I had to stop blame shifting my "habit " from my hubby, my circumstance, work, stress, tired, angry, happy ,etc ... and really dig deep and listen to my body and what it REALLY WANTED ..

I tried it all alone, but with the help of shakes, suppressants, eliminations, etc ..D has been the ONLY thing that has worked for me, physically and mentally , as well as the group. I POP IN AS OFTEN AS I CAN, as we all accountable here ,and say what we feel and never feel judged or disheartened here, we are in it together , we do not speak about the same old same old, that your friends and family speak about, OH IT IS "hereditary", or she is too" stubborn" to listen, or she is not "serious" about her weight, etc etc ..we speak about our concerns, or failures, or accomplishments, and "MINI GOALS "ARE A GOOD THING, and SLOW weight loss is a good thing too!!, we do not pretend to know it all, we do not push others, we encourage, love, laugh,cry, share our walk ..THIS IS A SAFE PLACE, and that is STEP 3 u need to feel safe ,and surround yourself with those who make you feel this way, even if it is only on a forum and not face to face, you need a "go to place" THE KITCHEN IS NOT your go to place "ANYMORE ..it sets you back, makes you hate yourself, and makes you feel a failure, food is not your enemy, we need it to live ,we just need to learn HOW to meet food half way and WORK WITH it not against it.

It is going to take time, be kind to yourself, be patient with yourself, and LISTEN to others advise, you do not have to take it all on board, but some of it willing true to you, and you will use those as tools to help and guide you .. STEP 4 realistic goals .... MINI GOALS ARE achievements, losing 5 kg in a week is achievable for some people but not realistic, also do not expect to lose every week..

Right now you thinking huh?? all I asked was who else has a problem with eating after bed time ??? LOL I am sharing this so you can read it and see if you are "ready" focused and serious about losing this weight for good Catherine , if you not , D is not going to help u alone, D, helps the part of your brain to KNOW when u are full, and if u continue your "habit "you WILL override D's job, and waste money and time, and dig a deeper sadder hole for yourself..

step 5 committed all the way ,no matter how low you feel or how hard it gets ...

IT took me 3 nights not to go get the munchies from the kitchen cupboard, hubby by my side and teenage son, awww mum, where the chips, cookies, chocolate, etc.. I BOUGHT HUGE STASH, put it into zip lock bags portion size , yes portion size , for them , funny how much longer it all lasts when rashened , haha, and they will both thank me later for not being overweight , I THEN gave my son his and told him to put it in his bedroom cupboard and he could have the rationed portions for each night on his own, when he wanted it .. MY hubby liked the rationed idea, and he has extra change in his wallet now , hahaha..first night was tuff smelling it and hearing the munching and crunching going on next to me in the tv room, but I got my fav hot drink, that was my "treat "at night , and I was fine, I needed to learn when others eat around u ,you do not need to eat to, food is socialising well that is how we raised, but no it is not, we can eat, all the time we socialise or we can stop eating and still socialise, it is a choice, not a lifestyle, it becomes your lifestyle later as you learn to embrace it and accept it as one ...slowly replace your junk food yes even cereal, with fruit bits, or nuts , or a hot beverage,even a shower/bath. or paint your nails, or read your fav magazine or watch your fav show as a "after bed snack " it does not need to be food .. reward yourself in other ways, you deserve it, right ?????? , it took me weeks to accept this, but once the weight shifted, and I was feeling better about myself ,and my family were so gobsmacked that I SAID NO too there junk food, or only had a handful and then said thanks that is enough, it is my portion for the day, they were amazed, and noticed my self control, and did not push me to have more, or any for that matter .. ONLY WE CAN HELP OURSELVES internally Catherine, our bodies tell us ,we need to just listen it really is as simple as that ...not EASY, but simple, one day at a time, one step at a time, once u have a foothold on each step, even if you stumble and fall back on old habits in the beginning u will notice, that stepping forward again is much easier than before , it is calle progress.. we want this that is why we here girl , you can do this, I still have a loooong way to go, but each day is a new day and a day closer to Goal .. so GO .. GO ..GOAL ... hope this has helped, and encouraged you and does not sound like a lecture hun ! let us know how you doing on D ...
catherine kendall
OMG I owe you a thousand thank you's. If you notice this is my second try with D. I eat at 12pm and 6 pm (feeding time for the elephant). All day I am strict then I blow it. Tonight I am determined to do it. It has to change. I am watching the scales creeping up. I even bought new ones coz I didn't believe the old ones!! Sad truth is they were right. I don't even enjoy what I eat during the night, I just feel immediately guilty and talk bad to myself. I am on disability so I had to borrow the money off my son to pay for the pills. That is how desperate I am. Tonight is it. I will blog in the morning to give you my verdict. Now I am accountable. I have not been overweight all my life. I had a breakdown in 2007, in hospital for 4 months and put on lots and lots of new medication. POOOF. My goal has been to loose just 20lb all these years, although my ideal weight would be 40 off. I have to be kind to myself as I have been a single mother of 5 since the baby was 6 weeks old (he is 10 now). I have lived near Newcastle N.S.W for nearly 3 years, 3 years of peace so now it is time to get real and be happy with myself finally. The children are all well adjusted and good citizens. Now it is time for me.
Again thank you I hope you can be my buddy. How have you found this trip have you gotten to the goal you wanted?
You sound positive and ready to face your demons, good on you !! I am here for as long as you need me ... I still have a loooong way to go, given myself a year for goal weight , started this journey on the 4th of July 2014, started at 104.04 kg and am now currently 97.08kg total 6.96kg so I have lost give or take, 1kg a month, over the past 6 months, for 4 weeks of the 6 months, my weight stood still and plateaued, it was not fun, but I pushed through with the the help of some amazing people on this forum, so for me waking up and reading all your posts on this site, while sipping my cuppa, gets me going for the day and the rest of the week, and weeks where I do not have an hour of my own time to go onto the internet to catch up with you all, I make a point of catching up the moment I get a break, but I do like to try and" pop in"weekly , so will try my best to support you when I can .. I lived in NEWCASTLE ,moved down,or is it up? to Brissy 8 months ago.. NC is so chilled ,so ye you have no stress now, by the sounds of it, so you should be able to focus on YOU for a change , as you have a done a gr8 job raising your kids alone, and you should lose easily as this is not a situation you have struggled with your whole life but a circumstance that lead to it, I too was not an overweight baby, child or teenager, I gained weight while pregnant with my first child and then started eating the same portion size as my husband , not a good thing at all.. my daughter is 27 and my son is 19, cannot blame my fat on the "baby weight " anymore ,right? lol .. All the best to you, hope tonight goes as planned , chat tomorrow..
catherine kendall
Well I did ok. I had a wrap with peanut butter and 5 gummy snakes. I will not buy the candy anymore, to tempting to eat if it is there. Today I went for a walk with my sons friend. She quit after just 4,000 steps. So I probably should go a little earlier than her. I just weighed myself I put on 1kg!!! I cannot figure out how that can be. damn. Oh well hopefully it will start to come down as of now
Hi Catherine,
This may sound silly and its not 100% fool proof but something I find works most of the time for me when I'm really craving something bad, I remember a time where I ate too much of it! And the memory of how yuck I felt over indulging on whatever will turn me off my craving...
Hi Catherine my stratergy is if I felt hungry at night after I had eaten, I would have a cup of green tea nil cals or a skim milk hot choc minimal calories, that seemed to fill the gap...my husband continues to snak on chips salami & cheese he is naughty. If all else fails I go to bed because I am not going to sabotage all the fantastic work I have done.. I want to lose all the weight I have put on... On the 29/6/14 I started I needed to lose 40kg & have lost 21.9 kgs duromine 15 mg has changed my life for the better. I know it will work for you too welcome to the forum ;)
ok soooo, the wrap ,and peanut butter should rather be eaten, before or after you have exercised , not before bed, my dear.. glad to hear you not buying anymore sweets ,keep looking at the goal ahead, this can be a lonely walk if others do not stand by you and walk the walk with you, but keep going because you not doing it for them but for you , remember that every day, try and do a food journal , it really helps to show you where you going wrong with your food choices and your calorie intake for the day.. hope you lose that kg next week, keep going , you can do this ...

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catherine kendall
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1 min read
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