• Author Lindelwa Mhlanga
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
So i basically started on Duromine like on Tuesday the 16th of Sept 2014. and today is friday the 19th and i have lost like 3kg. i understand this may be water weight as i havent been working out, but simply just not eating. either way, i have plans of starting a workout regime, i want to make the most of this. i love this pill. im on 15mg, but i have a large body so i just take 2 pills then it becomes 30mg. absolutely no side effects at all!!!!!! im so excited in what this pill has in store for me. i havent been this happy in a while, weightloss is a struggle which i feel like im ready to finally conquer. oh yeah and i went from 111kg to 108.6 in 4 days!!!!!!! just let that sink in.
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Congratulations Li, wishing you all the best in your weightloss journey. Those are great numbers, way to go gal!
Lindelwa Mhlanga
thank you so much baybboo :p its all about determination

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Lindelwa Mhlanga
Read time
1 min read
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