• Author Lindelwa Mhlanga
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
So i basically started on Duromine like on Tuesday the 16th of Sept 2014. and today is friday the 19th and i have lost like 3kg. i understand this may be water weight as i havent been working out, but simply just not eating. either way, i have plans of starting a workout regime, i want to make the most of this. i love this pill. im on 15mg, but i have a large body so i just take 2 pills then it becomes 30mg. absolutely no side effects at all!!!!!! im so excited in what this pill has in store for me. i havent been this happy in a while, weightloss is a struggle which i feel like im ready to finally conquer. oh yeah and i went from 111kg to 108.6 in 4 days!!!!!!! just let that sink in.
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Hi Mhlanga
3kg is a lot. I'm sure you are thrilled. I know I was in the first couple of weeks when I had some big losses. It is a nice boost for those of us who have struggled to lose weight. Don't expect it to continue like this though. It will slow down and what would have thrilled you beforehand, losing half a kilo, can become a disappointment. I know this because there was a time there that I became frustrated with the small losses. Remember to look at the big picture when it happens. This big loss is setting you up so that you can add to it each week. It will help later to add to the smaller losses to make your total over time to reach your goal.
Lindelwa Mhlanga
thank you so much Smick for those wise words. i do understand that the weightloss will slow down, especially without an exercise regime, luckily for me, my mindset is in the right place. i would rather lose 500g in a week than gain 0.1mg, a loss matters to me, whether big or small, it has a significance. i will try to not raise my hopes too high for the numbers on the scale, because when they come crashong down, im not sure as to how my mental stability will handle it

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Lindelwa Mhlanga
Read time
1 min read
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