In the Beginning

  • Author SolvingProblems
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
I need to have something in typing to help kickstart me into the long journey ahead. I cannot believe what an influence carrying extra weight has on my whole outlook in life but today it ends. Weighing in at 88kg and trying to achieve what I weighed a few years ago +- 62kg. Good luck to everybody else out there trying to accomplish their goals too!


Hello and what a lovely day it is – the first day of serious changes in your life for better! I am very happy for you, that you have decided to get to the healthy side. Best of luck to you and feel free to ask any questions you have!
Thank you, April! Day 1 = done and dusted. I didn't do too well with my water consumption and will need to make more of an effort remembering to keep hydrated. I definitely noticed a difference with my appetite though, even though I was starving in the morning just 2 hours after taking my daily capsule - I managed to fight it off for a while and then it disappeared right through to late afternoon when I had light snack. What is your experience with Duramine? I suppose you have a blog I could find the answers to myself, hey? Is there an App version of this forum we could use?
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Hello!!! I am so glad to hear that Duromine does work for you just the way you need it to. I am sure with your hunger cut you will be able to achieve great results. So now that you don’t have cravings and extreme appetite, you should start thinking of healthy nutrition and engaging in some kind of physical activity – just to help your body get into a faster pace.

I don’t have a blog on the site. However, each and every person can tell you totally different things about his experience with Duromine. Different response, different eating regimes and different exercises. You need to find things that can help you boost your metabolism and promote a good weight loss. I am a fan of a healthy weight loss, so my main recommendations are small portions of healthy foods at the same intervals (noting the amount of calories to not get over 1200 calories a day), daily exercising and an adequate water intake. Three things you should pay attention to if you want to achieve considerable results. If you need any further advice, I will be very glad to help you or support you. Have a lovely day!
That's some really good advice. I think the biggest problem for me (and for so many others, I'm sure) is keeping the weight off when you get to where you want to be. That's precisely why I'm now where I don't want to be - because I didn't have my eyes on a long-term goal. As for the hardest part, it's getting over this first hurdle to that stage where you can maintain a routine that will work for you. I like that you specified the calories intake, it can sometimes get confusing, trying to follow different opinions but mine just so happens to coincide with yours Where would you say you fit into the spectrum regarding weight loss and/or maintaining your goal weight? And how many calories do you suggest one attempts to burn per workout? I use to aim for 350 Ca as a minimum daily but trying to coax myself to going to gym twice a day like a used to seems like a far stretch these days. Thanks for taking the time to offer me some advice!!
Hi! You are so perfectly right. Maintaining your weight at the same level is a very difficult goal, but I am sure we can make up a plan once you get to this point. I am glad you understand you should work on developing an effective daily routine. If you’re planning on a 3-month course of Duromine, this time is enough for building new habits and lifestyle.

I lost weight long ago and I am maintaining it for 5 years already. However, it’s not so hard for me. I don’t have any problems with hormones and stuff. I do what I did while on Duromine – eat healthy, exercise and drink enough water. I also enjoy having some treatments for skin and body – just to keep my skin toned (decided it’s time for me to do this, and it’s a real pleasure to relax in a nice atmosphere =)) ).

As for the workouts, calories, etc. If you stayed away from the gym for quite some time, you shouldn’t immediately start with two times a day – 3 hours and literally die there. If we talk about developing a routine, why not choose one kind of exercises for morning time (like Tabata, yoga, a set of strength exercises, jogging) and let the gym for evening, or vice versa. I don’t want you to over-exhaust yourself in day 1, and forget about exercising for 3-4 days till you get better. That’s not how it works. 350 cal for a workout is a good aim. Remember that the amount of calories you burn during a workout also depends on your weight.

It’s day 2. How do you feel? Plans on nutrition? Have a love day!

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