
  • Author teenduromine
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  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Name: Olivia
Age: 17
Country: Australia
Height: 168.5cm
Start Weight: 77kgs
Start date: 8.3.17
Type: 30mg Metermine

- I left highschool after year 10 & studied for a year. I am now working full time.

-I've never been a healthy eater (along with never drinking water). I believe my teenage metabolism was the only thing that stopped me from becoming severely overweight during high school lol. I hope to put a stop to my bad habits before it gets worse.

- Never been into sports/excersise. My asthma would always be triggered pretty badly and would then turn into my excuse to binge on netflix instead.

-As i'm beginning to get older, working in a proper job and being surrounded by adults that seem to have their health together- I thought it was time to start working on my own.

- Of course i've tried in the past with losing weight but sadly I was never 100% mentally ready and dedicated.

- Along with my weight obviously brought on a lot personal problems for myself.
Who knew it was possible to be so insecure about my body that i'd refuse to go to out but also be the laziest person on earth. hahaha.
mixed emotions.

I heard about duromine from one of my tafe trainers during my course. She had been on duromine for 10 months (with a 3 month gap in the middle after an overdose). AND YES...she went to different dodgy doctors each time and told them she "just wants about 5 more kilos off". She looks amazing of course- but after her health scare I would be highly against ever taking advantage of the medication. After hearing her talk about duromine and seeing how great she looked, of course I started to consider trialling it for myself (but of course not to her extent).

4 months later and I finally make my way to my normal medical centre (purposely didn't ask for my family doctor) and I walked out with a perscription! They offered me the Metermine version at Terry White and assured me it was the exact same as Duromine. So I am now currently on my third day of Metermine. Ever since I got home from the chemist that day I feel as if i've been non stop googling and reading forums about it, so i thought why not add my journey in - it may benefit someone else (just like all the enteries on here did for me)


Oh wow! 17!!! Hello, Olivia. Welcome to the forum and welcome to the journey you can make a very successful one. Hope, it will bring you only positive emotions and will help you build a new lifestyle that you are aiming to. So, now I see that you do have a correct approach to this entire weight loss thing, and you are wishing to eliminate poor eating behavior. That is absolutely fantastic that you do want to do it, and not just go on a diet to lose weight during the Metermine course. The story of your trainer is actually a… hmm… can’t find a correct word… well, not the one you should follow. With all the Duromine she had and with all the time she had to change herself, she didn’t use it, and will, probably, keep returning to it for some help.

So now let’s follow your points.

- You will have to get into sports and exercise, yet you do have to think wise and choose the ones that won’t trigger any asthma attacks. + you always should have your asthma reliever with you. in fact, you might need to visit a doctor for some suggestions. Yet, according to the research I did, even professional sportsmen have asthma and keep going, and you might consider getting into walking (at least) and swimming (warm and humid air helps breather better).

- Glad you are trying to lose weight to get HEALTHIER and not just to boast off at the beach.

- I can see you are mentally ready now, and time will show if you will be able to keep yourself in your hands and continue being dedicated.

- Do not refuse to go out because of your body. You do need positive emotions. Once we lock ourselves from the society, once we start fearing someone might consider us fat, we start doing the worst thing for ourselves… we start considering ourselves not good enough for other people… we get into depression, hysterics, binging just to make this pain go away… and we keep building this “emotion-protective fat” on us and keep getting further and further from people. So remember, when you have such a possibility GO OUT! Have fun! (just remember not to consume alcohol during the course).

Color your life with new emotions and places. Make your nutrition fresh, juicy, fragrant and multi-colored. Use a variety of vegetables, seeds, greens to make a colorful salad. Enjoy mixing herbs and natural spices to rub in a chicken breast/fish/lean meet and enjoy the aroma while you grill or oven bake it. Serve your table nicely, or just serve the dish (in your food container, if you eat at work) so that it looks like the best chef in the world made it for you, and enjoy every bite.

Your task right now is to make this journey indeed a life-changing experience. More work over yourself, more achievements, more success, more laughter, more walks, more people. You are so young, and there is so much lying at your feet. Don’t close your eyes to this, and I wish you a fantastic adventure! Time to work, girl! ;)
Olivia, hi! How are you doing? Take care and write soon!!!

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