
  • Author Animals4life
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
This evening is my last night as a non healthy eating, non exercising rather large person. Tomorrow I will take my first Duromine 15mg tablet as prescribed by my doctor. I am a short 156cm tall and currently weigh 103kgs as per the doctor's scales this morning... Eeeek.

I haven't always been large in fact through my teens and childhood I was always very slim, but then I went to University and then into a very sedentary job... However, my eating is the main culprit. I eat when I am hungry, bored, sad, angry, happy, celebrating etc. some love food but I also enjoy fast food to an extreme! Terrible but so addictive. Anyway... Moving on to my plans..

I will take my first tablet at 5am tomorrow morning and have planned a back fast of fruit and yoghurt to get in a good start. I will then walk my dog and feel all my other animals after this. I also hope to wash the floors in the house. After this I plan to leave for work. I will have a few almonds to snack on if I get hungry and lunch will consist of two to three pieces of fruit. I so hope the appetite suppression works for me as I tend to get very hungry just after work before eating tea.

Each day in the beginning I will blog and tell as to how my days have been. I think this is really important for any other people who are researching this drug and its results. I was very hesitant to start this drug due to all the reported side effects. My account will be very honest with respect to all areas. What I eat, what I drink and any possible side effects experienced. I will also note what exercise I manage.

Wish me luck I so hope this will help me get back to my prior confidence and energy levels.


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