It Begins!

  • Author SevenOfNine
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Today is my first day of Duromine 30mg. Well, it's technically my second day as I had one capsule 9 days ago, as my doctor didn't tell me I shouldn't begin before having a blood test, and having a brainless moment I took one before I figured out I shouldn't be starting yet, oops.

So far no energy boost really, a far cry from when I took that first tablet last week, when I was buzzing all day. Even without the energy boost, I've done my first cardio session of the day, which is 20 songs on Dance Dance Revolution, and lasts approximately 40 minutes. I plan to do at least one more session of the same length, but have to remember to pace myself so I don't overdo it and put myself out of action before my big weight training session tomorrow.

My nutrition plan is to consume roughly 1,000-1,200 calories a day if I can stomach that much, with a focus on protein and healthy fats with as little carbs as possible. Eating fats may seem counter-productive, but after reading the findings of countless studies that point towards this being the best route, I think I'll trust the scientists on this one, haha.

I hope this will be the kick start that I need to lose 28kg-ish. My metabolism is screwed thanks to some medications I have to take, but my doctor thinks I can reach my goal with the help of Duromine, given that I'm already following a fitness program and careful with my eating. I really hope he's right!

It's hard to stay positive when I've been this careful and active over the last two months and gained weight rather than lost it, and I'm becoming super-depressed about my weight. Here's hoping this works.

Starting weight: 103.8kg
Goal weight: 75kg

Edit: And I'm done for the day with exercise. Three 40-minute sessions of DDR, in total two hours of cardio. I'm doing less well with eating, I haven't even managed to make a dent in the food I weighed and calculated the calories for today. I'm not too worried about it today as it's only the first day out of a possible three months, but I'm gonna have to pick up my game and force some food down if I want to avoid further metabolic damage. All in all, I think today's a success though.


GOOD LUCK!! you seem to have a great plan and im sure you will achieve your goal. CHEERS cassie
Big Girl SA
Hi there.

Good luck with your journey. We all figure out what works best for our bodies along the way. I agree with the foods that you are eating, yes, even the good fats need to be part of your diet and counting calories. I have been using more or less the same method, and lost quite a bit of weight so far. Please don't skip any meals, and I do think that you are exercising too vigorously, as your body only needs 30-45min exercise a day, in the beginning, for fat loss. If you go at it too hard now, your body will get used to it too quickly, and stall the weight loss, same with your food intake, if you don't eat enough, your body will just keep all the calories and not lose any weight. Its a fine line we all have to learn between food intake & exercise. One more thing, add some weight training to your exercise routine. You won't believe the results you will see! I'd say do your DDL every 2nd day, and your weight training every other day. When you get to a plateau, just change up your exercise routine - it works ;)
Thank you for the advice. :)

I try not to skip meals, but have found it easier to consume little bits at a time in order to give my body some sustenance. So rather than having actual meals, I've been grazing throughout the day as that's what's more comfortable for my tummy at this point. :)

I do weight training 3 times a week currently. :) Have been weight training for longer than I've been doing cardio, haha! And have a protein shake after each weight session to try and stave off muscle loss. Even before I started on D, I'd had noticeable biceps after weight training for only 7 weeks! I think my partner got sick of me flexing after a while ;-)

And yeah, I've reached a weight lifting plateau at this point, so I've switched to low weight, high rep instead of my usual high weight, low rep to see if that can bust the plateau and I can lift heavier again. :-D

At the moment the cardio I'm doing is pretty low intensity since my joints can't handle high intensity at this weight, especially with my spinal arthritis, which I'm trying to really develop my core muscles to help with. I'm hoping that by the time I've finished my course of D I can start doing HIIT and jump rope to up the intensity and shorten my workout times, but am just being mindful of my joints and health issues right now, so I'm doing super low impact stuff for the time being.

I'm also paying attention to what my muscles are telling me, and stretch after every single exercise session. No point overdoing it and not being able to train for the rest of the week, right? :-D

Thanks for the tips :)

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