It's been 3 & 1/2 months since my last blog

  • Author IWantToBeHappy
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 3 min read
I just had a lol moment reading the title I gave this blog because it sounds like a confessional.

In truth it isnt.

I stopped blogging because life got away with me.

I started my journey the 1st of January this year. I had crippling rheumatoid arthritis, a low negative state of mind, and an inability to work because of the above two points.

From the 1st of January my whole mentality changed and I started on my duromine journey and a healthy eating lifestyle. Every step of the way I credited this online forum as a secret to my success as I made sure I blogged every week & wrote lots of posts of my struggles as I believed then (and still believe now) it held me accountable.

About a week before my last post (3 & 1/2 months ago) I got a job. Now this was a massive deal because I hasn't been able to work for almost two years. I stopped blogging not because I changed my eating or anything like that but simply because I didnt have the same amount of free time.

Over the past 3 months my eatting certainly relaxed a bit. Not terribly so, But I did stop calorie counting. I was more lenient on my wine consumption (who doesn't like a glass if red after a crappy day at work). I didn't go for my daily walks because I was now in an office all day. And I stopped weighing myself.

I still had one months worth of duromine left which I had been saving for October due to the fact I'm getting married in November.

I had wanted to come back on here so many times over the past couple of months but I thought that it would have been weird after being so quiet for so long.

So why the change to come back and blog now?

Last week I had my 6 monthly appointment with my Rheumatoid Specialist. I'm in remission!! My debilitating disease is in remission!! I cried when my specialist told me because I knew part of the reason was because I had lost so much weight and had been so careful with my food and drink choices.

I decided to begin my last prescription of duromine last Sunday. It's taken 6 days for me to get the nerve to come back and blog, but I'm back :cool:

Same focus, same attitude, same determination and same accountability.

For anyone reading this who has mistakingly taken this blog as an ommision that I stopped duromine and stacked back on all the weight I had lost, you would be incorrect. Yes I did put on weight in the past 3 months. But not because I stopped duromine. It was because I stop being 110% careful with everything I ate all the time and deffinately drank more wine. Im proud to say I still have not had even an ouce of soft drink all year. And also, to put things in perspective, the weight I put on over the past three month was just under 2kgs.

This whole year has been my weight lost journey. Not just the periods I've taken duromine.
Starting weight = 85.7kg
Current weight = 64.7kg

I can't wait to hear more positive and inspiring stories from others.

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Oh IWantToBeHapoy.. it is soooo great to hear you're back!! I caught onto your blog and have even shared it's content with another.. your loss has been something to hold me in place- and i am grateful to you for sharing!! And yes - I had wondered if you had just met your goal and were happy to leave your journey to inspire others...

So happy you are in remission.. that is great news (though i had no idea you were suffering).. really great news!!

I have had sloooooooowwwww loss on duromine and have considered swvwral times in caving.. but - i am still here.. considering actually having my 3rd script filled.. i have, i think 8 left and so need to decide this week..
You're gettting married in November... what a beautiful time to prepare for.. I have never married.. I imagine it would be just a special, special time -. Not long to wait for you... looking forward to more posts from you..

Glad you're back!!
What a wonderful story! I'm so excited and happy for you, well done!!
Congrats on your new job, new you!

2kg in 3 months is nothing, it's just normal small fluctuation of weight for being a human. I have fluctuate between 93 and 96kg in the last nine years....

Don't worry about the 2kg, although if u do, 2kg to lose is a very enviable and achievable goal
Thanks Joyce.
It wasn't that I was worried, I just wanted to share that simply by stoping my calorie counting and drinking more wine I gained a little weight. I've been back calorie counting again for 8 days now and I have lost the 2kg and some more too. Amazing what no alcohol can acheive :p

I wish you all the best on your journey to a healthier and happier you :laughing:

Wow!! Fantastic work... And thank u!

Congrats on you wedding.... I wish u all the very best xxox
Wow. That's really an accomplishment. Well done.

Blog entry information

Read time
3 min read
Last update

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