It's duromine time!

  • Author LittleLaurz
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 3 min read

firsty bare with me for the first couple of entries... never done this blogging business before. So sorry in advance if i ramble on a bit about everything

ok so now the nitty gritty bit.. and the beginning of the new me.

It all began after getting the shock of my life. It was the morning after the night before, and like most young people after a EPIC night out, the pictures start making the rounds on facebook. And there it was... "who was the big chick hanging out with us last night!? OMG WAIT that's what I was wearing!" i could hardly come to terms with it (and a lot of denial on my part) on how much id let myself go in the past couple of yrs..

So off to the docs i waddled.
Whilst speaking with the GP my blood pressure was tested & it was HIGH so i was also presribed some blood pressure medication too and by that point the reality had snuck in, i knew i needed to lose the weight. Not only bcuz i wanted to look good (i admit it the vain side of me kicks in and i think the only way people will like me is if i look like a chick out of whatever hot new tv show is on) but what i really need is take back control of my life = being healthy! I was also recommended to 2 other specialist that will help me with diet and excerise. I was over the moon to know i could get the help i need & it all it took was saying those 3 little words.. " I NEED HELP"

My duromine journey started only a mere week ago on D30s..But so far so good (touch wood) I haven't felt dizzy or sick at the sight of food.. One or two times ive had a slight headache (but i personally think they were brought on by the clients i have to deal with)

Now the bit that scares me..
I started duromine at a whopping 114.1kg and by whopping, i mean as im only 161cm tall it meant my BMI was 44! and those dreaded words flashed like neon lights in my head "MODERATELY OBESE"

Anyway week one is done and i am stoked ive lost 4.7kg (cw 109.9) obveriously i know not to expect that every week, considering the first bit of most weight loss is generally water weight. But ay it gives me the confidence im going in the right direction (which is down)
I've set myself a few mini goals as something to look forward.. this works for me because it makes me feel like Im achieving what I've set out to do. instead of thinking "OMG I've only lost 4kg i still have 34kg to go, ill never make it!!" instead i'm aim for 10kg goal intervals instead...and i start thinking "OMG i've lost 4kg, only 6kg to go WOOHOO!" (i know which one sounds better to me.)
To really gauge how my transformation is going I measured my Bust/Waist/Hips etc. i figure it would be useful because i know that Muscle weighs more the FAT and in the line i work i do, it practically like I'm doing a Weight session at the gym. there is heaps of heavy lifting involved and a fair bit of walking around. So also get a little bit of multitasking in, by being able to do some exercise as i work. But when i get home and am greeted by my dog looking up at (the guilt sinks in) i no i have to walk him 30-40mins a night (after-all i don't want my puppy getting lazy) so really its a good guilt because i'm getting more exercise in... WINNING.

I've never been able to get my head around the idea of calorie counting but I stumbled across this neat app "MyNetDiary" its awesome you can scan barcodes on food (even homeband!) and then it does the rest for you. Calorie intake per meal / per day and it also advises if what your eating has to much salt/ not enough fibre etc. LOVE IT!!!

Well that was me in a nut shell ( a VERY BIG nut shell )
i'll check in soonish

Have a good one!


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