It's Here!

  • Author StormGirl2012
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
It's here! The day has finally arrived where I got to take my first D! I've had them since Satruday but as I had a sporting tournament yesterday I figured it best not to take it just in case.
So purposely got up at 5.30am to take my tablet, went back to sleep until about 6.30. Around 8am I felt like I had the Zoomies! By the time I got to work at 8.30 I really felt like I wanted to go for a run. I have today eaten an apple for breakfast, a coconut, date & cacao ball, a very small salad with kale, capsicum and tuna for lunch. It's now 3.50pm and it's feeling a bit like it's snack time but it won't matter too much if I wait another 40 minutes until I get home. I hope things remain this way for quite some time althoug note to self not to forget to bring more food for afternoon snackies in future. I hope I can sleep tonight - I'm tired from the weekend :(
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Welcome congratulations on begining your D journey.. Wishing you a good sleep ;) & a lighter scale for your first week :)
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