Journal Entry 1 Duromine Weight loss journey

  • Author TallieAllie
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
I don't know how to really start this, but my objective is to use this posting system as my weightless journal/diary to share my journey and how i think throughout this journey.

I am 174cm tall and currently weight 78.5kilos. I have gained an excess of 10kg the past 2 months, mainly due to food addiction and compulsive eating. The way this makes me feel... unhealthy, weak, low self esteem and all the contributing factors that many of you other women, or men feel towards them selves when they are gaining or have gained weight.

So here go's Journal entry 1.

Dear journal,

Where do I begin. For the past 2 months I have regrettfully stuffed my face with all the unhealthy junk food and gained 10kg.

Im embarrassed about the way I look and feel and I think it's finally time to change, finally time to begin living a healthier, lighter life. Iv recently (just yesterday) started taking Duromine 30mg. Iv read a lot of reviews about side effects and how sever they can actually be. But it seems, i don't think I am experiencing any major or minor side effects, Just loss of appetite and an increasing amount of energy.

The first night was OK, I mentally prepared myself for not being able to sleep. I slept around 4-5 hours. I think...

My first weigh in was 80kg on the dot. I know that the minor weight difference I see on the scale is far from actually fat loss, but instead water weight. Iv started to exercise a some what moderate to high effort on the stationary bike for 30 minutes a day. I have realised that I'm able to push my self harder for longer, something I have had difficulties with.

I am confident I'm able to become the healthier version that I'm seeking to be.

As for my diet, Lots of Water! have to get rid of all those toxins built up in my body for so many years, (Iv already lost 30 kilos, but gained ten of those back) As for what i eat during the day. A small bowl of cereal is al that I can really convince myself to eat for breakfast. For my second meal which is usually my last. (I know i should be eating 4-6 small meals a day), i eat a small bowl of Caesar salad and some chicken.

I believe that I can become who i want to be, my goal is to lose these 10 kgs within the time frame of 30 days, since i have 30 tablets. But I'm going to aim for a high weight loss, those last five kilos are always the hardest.

So which me luck. Ill write again in a couple of days.

xx T.

Please feel free to message me if you need a friend to keep you encouraged and motivated. Im sure ill need one!!!


We started at the same weight. I came in at 80.6kg.

I am going to make a small suggestion. Weigh yourself once a week. Daily weigh in's will always be inconsistent (depends on food intake, fluids, etc). Try and weigh in first thing in the morning, on an empty bowel (if possible) :)

Follow my post on the forum to see where I'm at. I'll be sure to check in on the blog.

Take care :)

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