Journal Entry 5 Duromine Weight loss journey

  • Author TallieAllie
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Current Time: 7.50 Day 6

Current weight 77.8kg

Dear Journal,

On day 4 i regrettably ate unhealthy as well as day 5 which as yesterday when I didn't take my tablet and boy do I have an excuse for my unhealthy actions....

On Sunday afternoon I had gone to watch my partner play rugby league to which he was sent on the last 15 minutes; not properly warmed up, and he broke his shoulder blade within 5 minutes of being on the field.

Let me tell you, he was an absolute rocket. He was powering to go!

I endured along with him an annoyingly 5 hour wait in the hospital emergency to find out he had broken his shoulder blade and the specialist was unable to see him that night so there was basically nothing we could do at all! I had to look after him the whole night and return to the hospital the next day to book an appointment with the specialist as well as pick up the x-rays.

This was then day 5 and I had not taken my tablet at the usual time of 6.28am. It was also the day WARNING TMI! that it was that time of the month. Now I know I'm not the only female that gets crazy cravings the first day, OR through that whole time.

Like iv said before, I tend to be a compulsive eater and will not stop eating until I'm sick. Man did i wish i had my tablets yesterday. Im not going to share with you what i ate, just incase I influence anyone to make bad choices.

Now its day 6, and I'm happy to say I still weigh 77kg. by 0.2kg. But hey thats something to be still proud about. The moment i stepped on that scale and i saw that i hadn't weighed 78 or 79, I was instantly motivated to eat healthier and exercise today. And i feel amazing, apart from the dry mouth.

so back up to 2.8kg to lose until my goal weight. Wish Me Luck

xx T.


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