Journey to my skinny black jeans

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  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Hey guys,

So I'm new and I figured the best way I can document and see how this weight loss journey goes, is by writing a blog on here, so bare with me.

So let me start by saying I've always struggled with my weight, I've never been skinny, but I've also never been this big. I'm 25, 171cm and currently weighing in at 93 kg's. It's killing me. As much as I've never been a little size 8 I've always come in at a 10/12. Comfortable,happy and healthy. I've always struggled with my eating, exercise and life style. But what made it worse, well I fell in love, I got lazy and very comfortable. So in the last 3 years of my very happy relationship (which I'm still in) I gained about 23kgs. I got myself into a position now where loosing the weight had become so so hard. I work in a very labour intensive job and even with a super supportive boyfriend I just wasn't shedding weight. The breaking point came last week, when we decided to go for dinner, it was getting cooler so I thought I would wear my skinny black size 12 jeans. Turns out I couldn't even get them up my thighs, I cried, my partner had no idea what to say. I use to be so content with my figure, hips, boobs and arse are sexy right? Yea when they fit into clothes not a sack. So I spoke to friends and a lot of them suggested duromine. So here I am, today I saw a doc and explained my problem. He prescribed me my first months of 30mg. Tomorrow it's starts. Can I add that I exercise daily and I do eat healthy, just to much (portion control I know) so that's where I'm hoping duromine will help! I will let you guys know how day one goes and I will try and keep you updated about my general progress. I should probably say, my goal is to go back to 70kg, I'm going on a big holiday end if June and I would love to think im getting close by then, but if not, I'll keep working at it. Anyway I would really like to hear from girls around my size and your journeys. Also and other tips ☺️ Wish my luck


Hello hello! :):):)

I understand your problem, and it is great that you decided to take care of it and I am sure Duromine will help you regarding the portion sizes. That's what it does. It reduces your hunger pangs. So, good luck and no side effects for you darling! Drink water water water!
Thanks Kate ☺️

So far so good. We'll see how I'm feeling in the next couple of hours!

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