
  • Author Vetgatjie
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
I've got the best Dr. in the world. She called me around 11ish this morning to ask how I was doing on the Duromine.
I told her that I felt absolutely normal on 15mg (couldn't get a chance to tell her that I drank another 15mg because I thought 15mg was too weak) but she said it's ok to feel like that the first couple of days and I must give my body a chance to get used to the Duromine.
I must come and see her in a month so that she can evaluate my weight and if I am not getting the desired effect, see if we must increase the dosage. So, tomorrow I'm back on 15mg's and giving my body a chance to get used to the Duromine. But even on 30mg's I''m still feeling hugry! Maybe I'm just too hasty?:confused::confused::confused:

Will keep you posted.

Hang in there all! We are fighting a good battle!


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