Lets do this again - Here we go :)

  • Author Layla
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Okay, so after falling sick after my first week I am back on day 1 today! I weighed in and put on 1kg which is not bad considering I was on steroids and ate like a mad person.

So my starting stats are now;
10/02/16 - SW: 106.5kgs
First goal: 99.9kgs

I will weigh again in 7 days and I will be adding a little exercise as I get better.


I started friday and so far its been okay, didnt have much side effects, no appetite straight away, it really helps me make better options. We had a little family gathering and I managed to keep away from too much dessert and unhealthy options. I did have a little brownie but stuck to the fruit salad!

I was very bad today and I weighed in, mostly because I felt less bloated and I am happy to report that in 3 days I lots 1.5kgs! Today I am starting my workout regime so this should really kick start things! Only 5.1kgs to go until my first goal. I am so gonna do this!

10/02/17 - SW: 106.5kgs
13/02/17 - CW: 105.0kgs
First goal: 99.9kgs
So last night I incorporated exercise with my twins, which they thoroughly enjoyed so it was fun all round. My tummy is definitely feeling different and so are my jeans. I just need to find way of reducing the sag and skin as I have a stretched skin from the pregnancy. I also weighed in today because the scale was in the bathroom :) and I was down another 400g which makes my goal now 4.7kgs to go! I will definitely do this, who knows, maybe by next week?

27/01/17 - SW: 107.6kgs
14/02/17 - CW: 104.6kgs
Total loss - 3kgs :)
First goal: 99.9kgs
Layla, happy to see you dear, and especially happy to read about your fun exercises with kids. These are my favorites. My girls also loved it when I used them as workout equipment. So much laughter and joy!

And now to the tummy part. Glad you see the difference… As for skin… this already requires serious steady approach. You have to be very consistent if you want to make your skin look better. When you are taking a shower, you should add some grind coffee and work very well through the tummy. Afterwards, you can use olive oil, or any other special oil your pharmacist advices you for this purpose. In fact, there are many techniques that can help you make your skin condition better. Try with this one first. If you can cope with consistency, then you can get on with something more difficult or expensive.

- 400 g more… like I said… Pfff – one left hand! =))

Happy Valentine’s Day!!!!
I woke up feeling blah today and so bloated with a headache. I didnt weigh in as I knew it would definitely be more and probably muscle gain cos of the exercises so I will wait for Saturday. Anyway it turns our it was my period which is great because I have PCOS and due to weight gain and hormones I never get it unless I lose weight - my body then begins to regulate so its a really good sign and I hope no set back although I see no reason why it should be. I will keep active as much as I can considering and my appetite seems not there so thats always good.
Looking forward to my chicken salad for lunch - something different :)
Hey Layla, dear! Congrats with your period improvement. Sounds like your hormone profile is changing together with your weight loss and lifestyle changes. Really glad! Chicken salad…mmm… sounds delicious! Looking forward to your new goals reached.
So the period was a false alarm, not sure what happened there. Im still feeling blah and had an awful night with hardly any sleep, I managed to fall asleep but woke up 15 minutes later and couldnt get back to sleep until early hours. Just had a meal replacement shake this morning, lots of water and still not feeling hungry - yey duromine :)

27/01/17 - SW: 107.6kgs
16/02/17 - CW: 104.4kgs
Total loss - 3.2kgs :)
First goal: 99.9kgs
Hey Layla! I see you’re having the most common side effects from Duromine, as your first attempt never happened. =) It’s ok, you know, it’ll get better in a couple of days. I see your first goal is quite close and I am sure you’ll get there soon! Hope, you will make healthy choices during the day and manage to avoid evening hunger. Have a fantastic day!!!
Question: Im going for a tubal ligation and endometrial ablation in April. I was wondering when do I need to go off Duromine before the surgery?
Hey, Layla. From what I know, you should discontinue Duromine at least 2 weeks before any surgical intervention. However, I would suggest you consult with a doctor for this issue.
Thanks April, I will do that.

So its three weeks on duromine today, 10 days off in between and I am down 3.2kgs. The second week of being ill really put a damper on me but I am back this week and ready for results. I have to just keep reminding myself this is a journey and not a race and a little at time will add up to a lot. I do want to be down 10kgs at least by March 30th so I have a lot of work to put in. I overslept and only took my tab at 6am so I imagine I will be sleeping an hour later tonight which is okay because I have so much to watch :)
Hubby says he is noticing a difference in my face and tummy :) and boy is the water making my skin flawless!! I had a small work out with the kids in the garden yesterday, I had more fun spending time with them than anything else. I will do this. 99.9kgs here I come!!!

27/01/17 - SW: 107.6kgs
17/02/17 - CW: 104.4kgs
Total loss - 3.2kgs :)
First goal: 99.9kgs
Layla, you’re so close and so fast (touch wood). You’re doing very good (or you might be casting some very effective spells, who knows) =))

I bet it’s a nice feeling when the changes are noticeable. And the flawless skin is such a fantastic bonus! I am so happy for you! Have a fantastic day!!!!!
Im battling to eat, I dont know if its because I took the tablet later or what but I have only managed a shake and 2 small apples today. I drank 2.5lts of water already. Really not feeling for anything :(
It’s ok… it does happen like this even if you don’t take Duromine. Sometimes, you just don’t feel like eating. Well, at least that’s the way it happens with me. Yet, when such days come, the most important thing is that hunger doesn’t blast in the evening. Hope, you’ll be fine and tomorrow’s a new day. Let’s consider this day as a calorie-cycling day. =) Well done! You managed to survive it! Chin up!
I think I was always emotionally focused on eating and always wondering what next. Duromine has made me sometimes step back and say do I really need to eat this or am I just eating?

So weigh in this morning and I am down another 600g its not great but at least I am under 104kgs! I really need to work towards being at my goal by the end of the month, surely I can do this! Only 3.9kgs to go - I really dont feel much of a difference in my clothes but I could be bloated as I am on my period (turns out it was) and I havent had a natural period in 3 years so its been different.

Anyway a loss is a loss and all the small bits are adding up! Yey me :)

27/01/17 - SW: 107.6kgs
21/02/17 - CW: 103.8kgs
Total loss - 4kgs :)
First goal: 99.9kgs
Certainly Yey YOU!!! Well done! Small steps must bring you to your goal! I am so happy every time I see you managed to lose any weight. Means you’re moving forward, without making a single step back. That’s so cool. You have to push really hard now. You first goal is very close. Just please remember to not lessen the amount of food you consume. Otherwise, your weight loss can stop, and you’ll have to start it all over again. If you don’t feel like having full meals, try setting your alarm clock to every 3 hours, for example. Make yourself a healthy tasty something, an grab a couple of tbsp. when the alarm rings. What we need is to make your metabolism work like crazy. So, don’t forget about this and away you go! Have a lovely week!!!
Feeling off today. From Sunday afternoon I have been having pains in my upper chest. It seems to not want to go away. Im worried it could be a side effect. Its not in my heart but its up in my chest and sometimes arms and throat. What is going on?
Layla, it’s quite a long time you’re feeling this pain. Why don’t you go visit a doctor? It can be nothing serious, or… You might be having a pinched nerve, or something worse. Or nothing. You have to address to a doctor. Osteochondrosis also can cause pains in various parts of your body. Again, you must consult a doctor! I have no idea, whether it is Duromine or not. But… you have to go to a doctor. I will keep saying it again and again. I hope you will get better and will go to a doctor.
So I consulted with the doctor and they think its something like GERD, a gastro-intestinal problem, Duromine could be the cause or it could be something else. She said to monitor when it alleviates and when it gets worse, I noticed when I laid down or had anything with milk it was okay but as soon as I ate normally it would start. Its still in my throat/chest and in my shoulders which is okay if the pain isnt consistent so no heart issue.

So sadly it is because of all these side effects I have decided to go off Duromine. It did help with the appetite but I think I have lost and I am encouraged enough to get me going to my goal. I fitted into a pair of jeans today that was just hanging in my cupboard and it feels good. So I hope no one minds if I stick around through this journey :)
Hello Layla. I am sorry you have discovered a health problem, but I am glad you did go to the doctor and found out the issue you should work on right now. Of course, you are always more than welcome to be here!!! Besides, weight loss progress after Duromine can be a challenging thing, and if you need some support, you always know where you can surely find it. Best of luck and get well!

PS. Congrats with the jeans part. Feels so good, doesn’t it? =))

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