Lets do this again - Here we go :)

  • Author Layla
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Okay, so after falling sick after my first week I am back on day 1 today! I weighed in and put on 1kg which is not bad considering I was on steroids and ate like a mad person.

So my starting stats are now;
10/02/16 - SW: 106.5kgs
First goal: 99.9kgs

I will weigh again in 7 days and I will be adding a little exercise as I get better.


Hey Layla, how do you feel? Better now, I hope? Are you trying to stick to proper nutrition?
Morning. So the chest pain is gone, so it probably was the duromine :( For about 2 days after duromine I still had no appetite and only ate when needed. I really didnt have to drink as much water as my mouth wasnt as dry. Problem is from yesterday and today my appetite has just soared. I am literally talking myself down in my head because I cant stop but think about my next fix almost. Im very sad and I dont have the will power to stay strong. I know I have to I know I cant give up but its so much harder now I just want to cry. I weighed and I didnt gain but no weightloss either and I think the lack of water could be the issue.

This is really so much harder without duromine and I dont know what to do...
Hello Layla. I felt you needed support, and I was right. I was reading your message, and kept thinking I should tell her about the water.. and I come to the end, and see you already realized where the problem is. That’s right. Try to get back to nearly the same amount of water you needed while on Duromine. Of course, the intake should be a little less. Still, you do need more water. Time to teach yourself drinking without having a dry mouth.

My heart goes out to you… I know how hard it is to control yourself, especially when your hunger makes you think of the next meal before you finish the current one. I hope that water can help you cope with this problem. And you have to think of some activities that can keep you “busy” and not bored, so you won’t be thinking about food so often.

Sometimes, we don’t realize the fact that we eat because we have nothing else to do. I will quote one of your previous msgs: “I think I was always emotionally focused on eating and always wondering what next. Duromine has made me sometimes step back and say do I really need to eat this or am I just eating?” You have to learn doing this without Duromine. You can place your scales into the kitchen, so that your eyes could drop on them every time you get to the fridge. Or you can place a sheet of paper on your fridge and start writing down everything you eat. As the list gets longer, you might realize that it’s enough for today.

You can turn this into a game. I just came up with this idea… Count the bits you make or spoons you eat, and make the same amount of exercises, reps, sets.

If you have any feelings you are trying to eat up, you should let these feelings out. If you feel sad – cry, if you feels angry – punch a pillow or a teddy bear, if you feel happy – smile, laugh, dance and sing. Learn to let your feelings out instead of hiding them under kgs of food.

Layla, I am here for you. Don’t hesitate to write if you need something.

So last week was so hard without duromine, I really tried but obviously not hard enough because I havent lost anything and the bloat is back so yey for that! So basically I took another pill today to kick start me again, I really want to lose my 3.9kgs and I think once I am under a 100 and feeling under a 100 I will get the motivation I need to continue.

Im going to try my best this round to do all I can and to lose as much in the next 2 weeks till my tabs are done...

Here we go again and again....
And this is why I like Duromine, so thirsty and not hungry at all, not even a thought of food popping in my head. But I have to eat something so a apple it is!
Hey Layla. Are you sure you want to try it again? I am glad, though, it does give you the appetite suppression effect, yet you might consider taking it every other day. Just to not let that condition you had develop too quickly. I am really worried for your body response to it again. Though, I will keep my fingers crossed that everything goes well and you will manage to lose those remaining 3.9 kilos in two weeks. You do know you have to work hard for this, don’t you? Best of luck and have a wonderful week!!!!!!!!
Hi April,

I will take it every alternate day, that makes sense and it takes about 2 days for me to get my appetite back so I will try that!
Hi Layla, how are you, dear? How do you feel? I worry quite a lot for you and your decision to continue Duromine, especially when you keep silence. Please, let me know how everything’s going? Keep my fingers crossed for you. Have a great day!
Hellooo!! So my gosh what hasnt happened to me in the last month!! No weightloss thats for sure if anything I put on everything plus more!! I have been permanently off Duromine since my last post, it just wasnt working form me, hubby and I decided to go back to gym and see if that helps but I dont think meds are the way to go for me just yet. I lost 17kgs before I am sure I can do this again!!!
Way to go, Layla!!! I am also sure that you’re strong enough to do it on your own, especially that you have such a great support from your husband! The important thing is to never stop going towards your goal. =)
I am glad your health didn’t suffer. That was my main concern all this time. I am so happy for the attitude you have! Keep it up! And you’re very welcome to write whenever you feel like sharing anything or just saying hi. All the best to you, dear! Take care!
Hey April,

So the gym thing did not work out, it will cost us so much so hubby decided we rather work out at home with the kids. I have tried to set my mind to full on weight loss, we took pics last night and I am not happy with my twin tummy or my body in general and I need to get down to 99.9!! Its my kids birthday in a 5 weeks, whats the chances of losing a kg a week?!!
Layla, hi! Sorry the gym thing didn’t work, but I like your decision about exercising with your kids. And I can see you’re fully on with the weight loss, so I would say yes – you can achieve a 1 kg loss in a week. But you have to stick to a plan. 5 weeks is not such a long period, and there should be no tomorrow, Monday, weekend that you decide to re-start. Today is today, and you have to get into exercising and healthy eating, as well as proper hydration. Of course, without Duromine you don’t need that much water, still you shouldn’t forget to drink enough to let the processes in your body work properly. Get into HIIT trainings. Search for Tabata. It’s hard, harsh and worth all the efforts, trust me! Again… plank in the morning and in the evening. More muscles you have – more calories you burn even at rest. In the evenings, walk with your kids together with your husband, instead of watching movies (just saying, not that you do that, no offense). Cook healthy, eat in small portions, have healthy lean snacks. If you need any tips, feel free to write. And stick to your goal, Layla! You are a very strong person and you can do anything, you just need to focus! And don’t buy any foods that will tempt you! Best of luck, dear!
Hello Layla! How are you doing, dear? 2.5 weeks you’re losing weight on your own. Holding up? Hope you get enough support from your husband and kids. I am sure you will succeed. Just don’t back down! Keep my fingers crossed for you! Be well!

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1 min read
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