Lighter Ladies Taking Duromine - Stories?

  • Author Jay Seeks
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Hi Ya'll

Today is my first day on Duromine and I must say I am SO FREAKING EXCITED and impressed already. I didnt expect it to kick in so quickly! I literally got the script this morning, went to the chemist, bought it and took one. I have had SO MUCH ENERGY today - I dont remember EVER having this much energy... I had slight jitters but minimal. I didnt get any cravings which for me is a big deal. The weirdest thing was feeling my body get hungry WITHOUT actually BEING hungry and craving stuff. My stomach would gurgle and bubble so I knew it was hungry but I didnt crave anything. My mood was the best its been in a looongggg time and I was super productive. My husband was laughing and kept saying how much he liked this new version of me because of how energetic, positive and happy I was! haha

I was hoping to hear the experiences of some of the lighter weight ladies who are taking Duromine. I weigh 72/73kgs at the moment and am aiming for around 58kgs. I am good at exercise but have been overrun until recently with stuff on so have been out of the routine. Getting back on that now though, hopefully it'll be easier than usual to get back on the horse with this energy! :laughing:

Im just so excited to not have the burden of feeling constantly hungry and craving things 24/7 on my shoulders for a bit. I was EXHAUSTED.

Wondering what other ladies who are less heavy and on this have experienced so far? How much weight have you lost etc?

Love to hear your thoughts!
<3 <3 <3
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Hi, I have the same starting weight and goal weight as you. I am only on day 2 though and am just wondering how you are going? How's the results?
Hey Jay! I was wondering how things are going for you with Duromine? I have similar starting and ending goals as you.

Blog entry information

Jay Seeks
Read time
2 min read
Last update

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