Mixed week

  • Author Notsolittlemissmuppet
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
I weighed in yesterday at 107kg. Thats a total of 12 kg lost since i started on D. Really proud. I am worried I am slacking on the food front though. I was away for work for 3 nights and even though I still managed to control my potions there are foods I could have easily opted out of but ate due to some misplaced sense of social pressure. I need to keep this worry in perspective though. I still lost weight and despite being away from home I managed to do my run. I am now finished with the C25K program and managing to run 30 minutes non stop. My next challenge is to up my running pace so I can manage 5km in 30 minutes or better. Will start on a Nike fitness program in 3 days to help improve on this. I also need to start doing other exercises besides running to tone up and work on other muscle groups. My success to date gives me confidence I can do this.

I am beginning to feel the effects of stoping Fluxotine. I am hoping that the increased physically activity will continue to help. Will make an appointment with doctor next week to discuss how I am feeling. I am positive though that after 3 years of medication I can begin to manage without the fluxotine.


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