Month 2 week 1 Duromine 30mg

  • Author PJfox
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
My first month I posted weekly blogs but updated them daily. I swear I became obsessed with weight loss and my Duromine side effects. I also read every Facebook page and information web page out there on the subject.

Then I had to take a course of antibiotics and had to stop taking the Duromine. My weight went up to 100kg again. My appetite went up as well but I managed to somewhat control myself as I dread going over 100kg again!! But I feel hydrated so I think it is water gain.

This week was like starting again except I have made sure to drink and eat more so the side effects of the first week are lessened. Headache was mild and upset tummy lasted only a couple Days. Unfortunately it seems the appetite suppression is less too and I get ravenously hungry at times?!

My scales broke, probably due to my constant weighing myself! And I am going to update my blog less. I last weighed myself yesterday at 99.5kg. Not a lot of loss like my first week on Duro but I am going to soldier on and just see how it goes.
I am considering going Keto but have read it may not be good for your health while on duro.
Goodluck everyone. Keep doing you


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