Mother's apron, tummy flap, pooch, belly folds

  • Author Smick
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Whatever you call it I now have an overhang.
Before, my tummy was firm and round (i.e. FAT). Now I have lost 15+ kilos, I am finding that my tummy is sagging and has a kind of flap. Sounds gross.
I am really worried that as I lose even more weight it will just get worse and I will end up just having to tuck it into my knickers. :eek:
Should I start saving now for a tummy tuck? I really don't have that kind of money.
I have been putting Bio Oil on my tummy in the hope that it will help with it bouncing back. Do you think abdominal exercises will help? Even after 3 huge babies (my last was 10 lb 10 oz) I don't have a lot of stretch marks, only on the lower part of my belly. I sometimes wear a support garment (kind of like high waisted shorts) to hold it up and in. I have read of women wearing these after baby to help get their belly back, maybe this would help?
Any ideas?
Anyone else with this issue?


So I have the overhang issue too. I haven't had kids but because of the weight I've gained I do have quite a lot of stretch marks. It is smaller then it was before I started loosing the weight but I do worry how my skin in this area will look as I loose more weight.

When I lost 20kgs in the past I wasn't as big so I had a fat belly but not a belly that would hang over the undies and no stretch marks other then on my hips so when I finished losing the weight I had a flat stomach, a perfect bikini body.

This time round I do worry that I'm not going to have that flat stomach and like you are considering the possibility that when I am done with the weightloss I may need a little surgical intervention to complete the transformation.

I think all we really can do is eat healthy, keep hydrated and exercise as well as keeping the skin hydrated with moisturizer that have vitamin A, C and E in them.

They say it can take skim up to 2 years to finnish it's shrinking phase which is why it's advised to lose weight slowly so your skin has time to shrink.

I know this doesn't necessarily have an answer for you but hope it helps a little.
Thanks KaylaLouise,
I'm not so concerned about looking good in a bikini. My bikini days are long gone. I'm hoping that it does not hang down and get all sweaty underneath. It would be nice to lose all the weight and not have the constant reminder.
It will be a wait and see kind of thing. I'm getting myself a fit ball and going to start some crunches on that. Maybe if the muscles underneath are toned, when the fat is all gone the skin will shrink. There is still plenty of fat to go, so I won't really know until it is gone.
I agree with the hydration and moisturising. Two years will give me heaps of time to save and hopefully I won't need to go under the knife.
Today I have had two compliments on my weight loss so I am feeling a bit better.
I'm glad you're feeling more positive :)

I think it'll all help and give you the best chance of retightening the skin.
I did some research a little while ago and apparently now some places do mini tummy tucks, so you don't have the scar hip to hip, depending on the quality of skin and how much there is to remove.
Hi Sharon I have the same issue as well ..I have got 2 of those fit balls in the garage ..I must get one out and start doing the sit ups and tummy crunches not sure what a tummy crunch is I'll have to google it:eek:...and Kayla I like the idea of a mini tummy tuck I'll have to google that too... I do know of a good cosmetic surgeon in Sydney a couple of my friends have used him and his work is really good I'll have to up the health insurance ;) ... Any I have plenty of time to save and think about what to do... Right now I will just exercise and use the fit ball.. I did buy boxing gloves and pads last week which I hope will help with the flappy arms...I know exercise really worked for me before as I didn't lose as much weight however toned up and lost cm ... This time I'm hoping to do both :)
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Soooooo ladies, got me a an apron/muffin top too ... and YES it does tend to sag more towards the knees ,as you drop the "fat kg", no amount ff crunches is going to get rid of that, if you DO NOT eat the right diet too, most "natural "tummy fat issues for any women children or no children ,is a" healthy diet fix ", then one resorts to tummy tucks when ALL else fails, but Must admit, when I had my "apron", 8 yrs ago, I lost 31 kg in 2006 and I was eating clean and walking 30 minutes a day ,and my tummy was firm as ,NOT ONE CRUNCH .. was needed .. but thats me, and now I am 8 yrs older and the skin is thinner with age, hahaha and I need to lose 40 kg THIS TIME .. so tummy crunches cannot hurt to try right ? ...I have been rowing 3x a week though and find that it has helped my "apron "to firm up and I have lost most of my inches around this area too ,so far.. GOING TO TAKE everything you have all shared, on board, and try them all out too ... PITTY not much can be done about the "road maps " at this stage, will just continue using bio oil, as my stretch marks on my tummy {thanks to my two gorgeous bubs, now27 and 19}are now a pale pearl colour and not so pink anymore, but as you Smick, wearing a bikini is long gone.........Just want to be firm and flat, and healthy now while wearing any kind of clothing at this stage, lol .....
Leigh'sgottalottolose I found this link very informative, as we do not always have the desire to exercise as much as we have the desire to eat at times, lol if one can learn how to eat and avoid certain foods ALL the time, we half way there and the exercise can take care of the rest on the days ,weeks and months that we able to exercise every day , life is not perfect ,things happen, so exercise some how gets left for last on most days, but some how, food is always made time for no matter what , so this is a good way to start the journey to keep the fat off the tummy ... ...
Last night I watched a TV show called embarrassing bodies but it was a special on fat bodies.

A lady actually had a procedure called apronectomy, it's actually a real thing.

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