My Blog from day 1 ~ wanting to lose 45 kilos +

  • Author aunthoney
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hi all..
well I started my duromine journey today..... I woke at 4 am so I took my 30 mg capsule then :)

SW 117
GW 69
AGE 45

I worked this morning and was buzzing around... I have not had any side effects yet...
The amount of energy I have is amazing.....

I cant believe how much I have done since coming home from work today...

I wish you all success on this journey..

Aunt Honey


Hello dear Aunt Honey, welcome to the family! :)
I know right? The energy 'side effect' of Duromine is amazing. It's like you got much power to start a new lifestyle right away!
It is great that you have chosen the road to a new better you. That's a big step already, be proud of yourself. And according to your stats, it's going to be quite a long journey, but do not afraid, we are all here to support you. Good luck!
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thanks so much Kate....

Day 2 so far.... I was up at 4am to take my capsule the up at 5am and cleaned the bathroom....
worked again this morning..... got tired around lunch time as I seem to only get probably 3 hours sleep last night, I don't think that was because of the duromine I think it was just because it was such a hot & humid night... still no other side effects.... not even a dry mouth, touch wood.....

I will weigh after 7 days... so exciting.. cant wait to jump on the scales....

have a great day everyone...

Aunt Honey
Well done Aunty Honey, we can do this, its gonna be so worth it, just keep at it - I am very bad when it comes to scales as I weigh in everyday, learnt my lesson so now I my next weigh in is on saturday! Good luck!
Hello, hello, Aunt Honey! Sounds like you’re going nice and easy with D. Happy to hear that no side effects bother you. So, what’s your plan? What you eat, how you exercise? I am really really excited to know you’re on your way to the healthy side and I wish you all the very very best!!!
that's cool Layla, we will have the same weigh in day... I know I have ben weighing daily & I just decided that I will just weigh in on Saturdays as that was my starting day.....
Hi April, I am still feeling great ! I have been exercising on my treadmill & some swing squats with my 4 kilos kettlebell... I wondered why my shoulders were a little tender this morning... haha...

My Dr also wants me to ring an exercise physiologist which I am going to do today, apparently if you have a medical condition you can get 5 sessions free thru medicare, so I am going to give it a go anyway.....

how many calories a day should I be eating ?

Aunt Honey
Hi Aunt Honey. It's true you can get 5 sessions funded by Medicare for an exercise physiologist. I have just started mine. I had to see the practice nurse to get a care plan (really easy - took about 5 mins).
I've just started week 2 of 30mg and all good so far.
I wish you luck;.
Vamp Girl
Thanks Vamp Girl..... & the apparently when that 5 sessions has ended you can get another 5 if you get another care plan... so I heard.... do you find the exercise physiologist good ?
I was told that Medicare will only fund 5 sessions per year so if you manage to get anymore I would be interested to hear.
I find my exercise physiologist great. I have bi-polar and severe arthritis and he has worked out a programme to suit my disabilities. I had signed up with him before I got the care plan and have now been seeing him twice a week for 4 weeks. I get texts from him on the days I don't see him to keep me motivated and to find out how i'm going. He's great. Highly recommend you try this.
Hello Aunt Honey, to your question about the required amount of calories a day I would say, 1200 usually works just fine. It’s an average amount – not too much and not too little. Besides, it is the amount that you will be able to stick to after you finish Duromine course. If you eat less calories while on Duromine, and then start eating a lot more after you’re done with D, you’re bound to gain the lost weight back. Let’s do it wisely! If you find it difficult to count the calories, you always can use some calculators and apps. I loved the exercises you have chosen and I have to say that it’s a fantastic idea to apply to an exercise physiologist. I am sure you will find it really useful. Good luck to you, and to you, too, Vamp Girl =))
so after week 1 I have lost 2.5 kilos.. very happy with that but this next week I am going to make sure I pull my finger out and exercise more..... I have lost quite a few centimetres but I typed them into the living healthy profile and didn't realise it does not show you current measurements, only a line next week I will start and record them in a book... wonder why there is not a area on our profiles here to record weekly weight loss & measurements... unless there is and I am missing it... anyway I am off to work again this morning .. have a great day !
Hello Aunt Honey!!! Congrats with your 2.5 kg loss! Way to go! Love the attitude! Including more exercising in your everyday routine will surely help you boost that weight loss. You also have to do your best to find time for eating often in small servings. I know that work sometimes might prevent you from this. Yet, you will have to come up with something, if you want to see an impressive weight loss next time you get on scales. You need to make this metabolism of yours rolling in a very fast pace. If you can’t come with any idea, let’s try to do this together.

Yes, there’s no such thing on our profile where you could record your current stats. However, we do have a thread for each and every of us.
You can also use your signature, which you edit in your profile, and write down your stats there, and change them when you get new results. It will show under your posts in the forum.

Best of luck and have a great week!!!
Hello Aunt Honey! How are you doing? Did you start exercising harder? Did you get in contact with the exercise physiologist? Hope you’re doing well and keep struggling to get to your goal. Have a wonderful day!!!
Hi April.... I have lost 3.7 in 2 weeks.... doesn't seem much but I guess its ok... no I have not done as much exercise as I thought I would but I still did do a couple of walks an some kettlebell workouts... I really have to hook in as of today.....I will report back daily when I've done my exercise ;)
Hello dear Aunt Honey! 3.7 in two weeks is a great result! Way to go! It’s ok for not adding the huge amounts of exercises. I can see you are going steady and consistency is the thing we must train in ourselves, if we want to get to the goal weight AND maintain it afterwards. Kettlebell workouts. Never done those! =)) Looks entertaining.. and a bit hard on your knees and lower back. Make sure you do the exercises correctly. As far as I understand, these require a surgeon’s accuracy about the position of your every extremity. Walks are very good. Brisk pace, nice views and mood, and each internal organ applauses you and bows you in gratitude for all the benefits you give it. =)) Take care of yourself and keep it up! You’re doing really well!!!
Hello Aunt Honey. Weekend is near, and I just wanted to check up on you and ask you if everything is going well and if you managed to get into more daily physical activity. I hope you feel great and motivated and I wish you a fantastic weekend! Good luck!
Hi April.. I am have now lost 5.2 kilos in just over 3 weeks.... didn't do much exercise last week , I don't know why ??? I did do 4.5 hours splitting firewood on Friday morning with my hubby which was great ! what a sweat up I got....
still feeling good... not losing much in cm's tho.. maybe as I have not exercised much ? that's it, ill go get my sneakers on and jump on the treadmill now for 1/2 hour :)
Hello Aunt Honey! You keep surprising me with things you do as your physical activity. First the kettlebell workouts, now the firewood splitting. FOUR AND A HALF HOURS! What a workout!

… and why were you not exercising much last week…. Well… seems to me, you have to fight your usually lifestyle a bit more aggressive. I see you have quite a significant strength and stamina, and you can get into exercising, yet this has to be something you talk yourself into. It can be hard for the first couple of days. Then it just sucks you in and you start feeling uncomfortable during the days when you don’t exercise.

Hopefully, those snickers did get their part of treadmill fun. And I hope you’ll stay committed to daily physical activity! I wish you a wonderful week ahead and hope you’ll start seeing changes for better very very soon!

Ps. Don’t forget to monitor your daily caloric value, as well as the water intake. Good luck!
Hi april.. I am drinking 3 litres of water a day minimum.... I am counting calories & it is usually around 1200 - 1300 ................ AND the last 2 days I have done my treadmill with an app I downloaded on my phone... it goes just over 1/2 a hour... I warm up then brisk walk then run, then brisk walk, then run even further etc.............. it has got me so motivated & sweating like a beauty.... after that today I have been in the garden working hard for 2.5 hours... just going to buy some more potting mix then back to the garden :)
Hello dear Aunt Honey! Yeeeey! The treadmill is in business! =)) I just love the way you used it. Sort of interval training. AND I am so happy you enjoyed the feeling of your body working. Very well done with the control of your eating and water. BRAVO! Keep it up and I am sure you will enjoy even higher results. I wish you a wonderful day and a great mood. Looking forward to read about some other new things you do. You’re a very unique person. =) take care

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