My days on Duromine so far

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DAY 1 5/05/2012 Sat
Took Duromine at 11:30 the morning/afternoon, oops!!!
Had some trouble with my pharmacy getting the pills for me so I thought what's going to happen its just a diet pill right? Wrong! Very thirsty! Drank a billion litres of water, My energy level kicked in at 13:00 It felt good to have all this energy again (like I used to have when I was a thin girl) I started cleaning and sorting stuff out to throw away almost like a de clutter. I moved around like the day had no hours. Eventually I thought its time to get some rest when I saw that it was already 02:30 in the morning!

DAY 2 06/05/2012 Sun
What a weird night zooming in on all the noise surrounding me. My eyes closed but no sleep, luckily I set my alarm for 06:00 this time! Drank my pill and went back to sleep. Didn't eat much was too busy had 2 bread rolls with chicken for dinner threw away half of the second roll as I already felt over satisfied. Drank plenty of water through the day, no fuss over it as I love my water anyway :)
Must say love the energy and feeling of doing stuff that I am normally to lazy for or just don't have enough energy to do it.

DAY 3 07/05/2012 Mon
Took my pill at 06:00, got ready for work at 06:30 feeling very positive.
My office got a spring clean from me! ;) drank a lot of water again ate a peanut butter sandwich for lunch and ate a apple later as a snack. Dinner was 2 pieces of chicken fillet and bread, ate a bit more today than I should have :(
Also had some troubles with boyfriends mum.
Weighed myself on my digital scale that always makes me feel more fat than I am! How can this be I said to myself Friday 04/05/2012 I lost 1 kilo before I began Duromine I actually thought that was my head start into it, but its right back on that scales numbers!!!! I know that its soon and it took a lot of time to gain the weight and it will take time to loose it again. I'm too sensitive and fragile for this and I feel like giving up. Maybe tomorrow will be better.

DAY 4 08/05/2012
Feeling a bit down today from the events of Yesterday, but I made a choice and got this far already not going to turn back, haven't taken my depression meds as I'm not sure if its safe, I do need to take them to help my mindset. Did my first blog today, asked for help hope someone reply s with some info for me.
Ate a piece of bread with cheese and salami for lunch drank lots of water and having mild headaches but not too overwhelming. Just sticking to my water bottle like glue!
More updates tomorrow.
Weight: 120kg's
Length: 173
Age: 25


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    Help please!
    Hi all! Today is my 4th day on duromine no side effects just really thirsty all the time but my...

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