My Duromine 30 Day Journal

  • Author Deleted member 21143
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 8 min read
Day One 17.02.17:

Woke up at 7am to take my first 15mg of Duromine and went back to sleep.
When I woke up, officially, I felt somewhat full.
As if I had a breakfast or something.
Usually I'd wake up with serious cravings for sugar or food and coffee.
However, this morning it was a different story. I was not hungry.

The only big difference I sensed was thirst.
Serious thirst. And I am not a water-drinking person at all.
Matter of fact I hate drinking water.
But I drank about 2 litres of it today.
My throat felt dry and my voice was literally scratchy. That's how dry I was.
But I quenched my thirst with serious drinking of water.
Which made me feel good and filled me.

I wasn't feeling hungry at all for the day. I still cannot believe this.
But I had to eat.
So I did something naughty and had something healthy to eat at a restaurant.
For the first time I could look at a cheese cake and milkshake with no desire to want it.
I still cannot believe this.

It's very late right now, and usually at this time I'd be snacking on peaches or apples or having coffee.
All at once, mind you.
But I'm not. I'm having water - again.

Duromine, you've sure surprised me today.
Fingers-crossed for tomorrow.

P.S. I'm not weighing myself today or checking on my weight.
I'm giving it some time. :)

Day Two 18.02.17:

Today I noticed one thing -- minimized appetite.
I went out for some lunch and dinner, and couldn't eat my portion of the food up.
This never happens at all.
I also said no to a slice of cheesecake.
Though I did have a .5 milkshake, this is a big step for me as I usually have an entire milkshake.

I'm still downing tons of water, but felt a slight headache today.
Right now I've got a dull headache. I'm not sure if it was because of the busy day I had or what.
But I have a fear that I might get mania from this medication as it has adrenaline properties to it.
The "high" effect.
And mania isn't something good for me due to my BPD.
But that's only a fear --- I'm on medication to control my BPD so it is not possible for Duramine to give me mania.
I need to stay focused.

Also -- I felt lighter today. My belly wasn't all bloated due to my large intake of water and minimal eating pattern.
Also -- when I got out of the bathe, all I could think of was yellow mangoes that I have in the fridge.
Their look, their taste and their color.
But at the same time I have this feeling that no I don't want the mangoes.
It's weird.
But it's good because those very mangoes will be the end of me I swear.

So good night for now.
Tomorrow I am going to give myself a 3-day weigh-in, and see if anything happened.
Because I know something did happen to my body indeed.

Night. :)

Day Three: 19.02.17

Good news -- I lost 2kgs.
I'm down from 86 --> 84.
It's all very overwhelming for me, and surreal right now.
So I just need a moment.
I feel as if I'm being tricked or that it's just water I lost or something and that it'll return.
But I need to be positive.

I haven't been a very "good eater" this weekend, as weekends are "eat-out" days for me.
But the way I ate this weekend was literally 1/4 to the way I usually ate out.

Today was good. I still feel full.
If I can describe it, it's as if my body or appetite was tranquilized.
Before, it was fast, racing and wild.
Like somebody who could never be fully satisfied.
But now I feel contented and calm.
Food isn't what I seek or need.
Water is though.

I hope this feeling remains until I reach my goal weight,
and most of all I hope that these patterns of eating I'm adopting now, can stay with me
even after when I eventually terminate this medication.

My next weigh will be on Wednesday night.
I'm excited. Super excited.
But I trust that good things happen to those who wait, and to those who put effort into the result.

Stay positive. :)

Day Four; 20.02.17

So it's the first day of taking Duromine on a working day.
My working day eating schedule is completely different to my weekend eating plan.
I'm relaxed over the weekends but on weekdays at work I am on a strict diet meal.

Today I had a minimal appetite.
Pretty much forced myself to eat this or that out of habit as my stomach seemed to be making the most horrid growls.
Signs of hunger.
I had a protein shake and three apples for lunch and breakfast combined.
This was indeed too little I realized.
Because I felt bloated and acidic.
Been bloated all day and my stomach feels as if there's some meteor of gas in it.
I think it's all those apples and liquid.
Nothing solid besides my dinner tonight which was filling.

My plan tomorrow is to cut out the protein shakes and have a slice or two of
toast and cheese.
I'll see how that works out for lunch and for breakfast, I'll have some cereal.
This is all too new for me as now I'm introducing food into my morning and afternoon.
Something I last did back in May 16.
I feel afraid to eat this much but I have to.
I ate a lot over the weekend and look at what the results were.

I'm not hungry now but my stomach is gassy.
And it's grumbling. And this isn't very comfortable for me.
It's upsetting.
I hope that tomorrows "edible" breakfast and lunch will put an end of gas, bloating and noise.

I had a slight headache today also.
But that's fine.
My water intake was more...I had about 3 litres.
Throat feels like paper. Dry paper.
But water is good. It's something I never had before at this volume so things are good.
I prefer water on its own and not mixed with Aloe or anything.
Which is another new thing for me.

Another test today was when one of my family members bought themselves KFC.
Didn't affect me in the slightest.
I passed, looked at it, smelt it and it did zero harm to me.
Can't believe that either.

So well done Duromine. You've made me say no to fast food on a Monday.
Just please take my bloating and gas away, thank you.

Stay positive!

Day Five: 21.02.17

Today was quite normal as usual.
Had no protein shake and tried to eat a little more.
Like fruit and some cereal.

I'm having bad stomach cramps and I fear bloating.
But that's a matter of time to see if it's just my body adapting.

Tomorrow I weigh myself.
I hope things will reveal as good.


Day Six: 22.02.17

I'm starting to wonder when this water craving will come to an end or at least under control.
I've been drinking almost 3 litres a day.
I'm scared it'll cause bloating and water retention.

Still eating less than usual.
Noticed that my cravings for sugar and sweets are completely gone.
Don't eat candy at all since I started this medication.

I weighed myself tonight and I'm 82.4 kgs.
So in 6 days I lost 3.6 kgs.
It's weird, because before I had a bath I was 1 kg more.
And after I am now 1 kg less. The power of water I suppose.

Besides that, I am over the moon.
Still in shock but over the moon.

My bloating is still there -- think it's linked to the body not being used to eating so little.
Or eating smaller meals more often.
I don't know but it's there.
The water soothes it.
I'm trying to eat at least 3 meals a day with fruit as snacks.
One fruit per snack interval.
But at night I just cannot force a snack in.

I'm glad overall and I really am pushing to at least be 80 kgs before the month ends.
I'm not expecting much out of the medication but I am going to push myself to be of effort too.

Will weigh in on Saturday again.
Fingers crossed!

Day Seven: 23.02.17

Today was quite warm.
Because it's summer here, I'm drinking a lot of water and trying to find ways to quench my thirst.
So I try and incorporate an apple here and there.
I need to keep the apples at a minimum as it gives my stomach a little acid.

I've been experiencing a constant headache every day now.
Not sure if it's linked to the extreme heat or the side effects of this pill.
Either way, it's annoying.
But water soothes it.

Still consuming 3 litres of water.
I'm a little concerned about my lunch at work though.
Been eating bread. Not something I like.
I used to have protein shakes for lunch since June 16.
But I was worried that I won't be eating enough for my metabolism to get faster
if I stick to that and still continue Duromine.
However, I feel bloated thanks to the ciabatta bread.
I'm going to put an end to that bread in the afternoon.
I already have cereal in the morning with milk, so I think I'm going back to my protein shakes.
They are gluten free.
I try and have as much gluten free products as possible to avoid bloating and flatulence etc.

I've had a wrap tonight, with salad at a restaurant.
Never wanted anything else, like a smoothie or milkshake to compliment it.
That was a shock.
But you know, nothing is surprising me anymore because this Duromine has seriously changed my
entire perspective of sweet things.
And it's amazing.

Tomorrow I'm on my shake again. I'll see how that goes.

It's exactly one week I'm on this pill.
But I will not weigh myself tonight. I just did yesterday and I really don't want to see the difference
as it will obviously be influenced by water.
Saturday is my next weigh in.

Keep it going!

Day Eight: 24.02.17

Today I had too little to eat.
I just had one real meal being a chicken wrap w/ salad, and the rest was water and fruit.
So now I'm going through a little hunger phase.
I'm a little scared that I'll fall back into the habit of eating badly again.
The main lesson here is, I should ensure that I eat 3 real meals a day.
And today I just couldn't finish my meal.

Still had 3 litres of water.
Just very frustrated that I never finished my meal and now when it's almost midnight, I'm hungry
after having two cling peaches.

Lesson learnt.

I suppose it's my first frustrating day on Duromine.
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Deleted member 21143
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