My duromine diary

  • Author MissT
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
So i was tossing up whether or not i should try this as i had heard alot of negative feedback about the side effects etc but i was really keen to give it ago, im not heavily overweight but im overweight with a bmi of 30 so i had nothing to lose with giving it a go.

Day One
I took the tablet (40mg as prescribed) at about 10am it took about 10 minutes and i felt very chatty and hyped up, i felt good and wondered why everyone was so against this- this feeling was amazing. That day i had no desire for food i struggled to eat a weightwatchers meal but made myself as i didnt want to put my body in starvation mode. I finished work and went to the gym as normal and worked my butt off. That night i had trouble sleeping and im thinking its just my body getting use to the drug and the fact i took it at 10am.

Throughout that first week
I have no desire for food or any cravings i feel less bloated and feel like changes are happening already in my body.
Im sleeping a bit better by taking it at 7am. Im feeling a bit anxious and over emotional though. Im feeling a bit light headed/faint im hoping this goes away maybe im not eating enough? Under 900 cals a day! Not on purpose.

Week Two
The dizzyness is getting worse, i dont have the rush of energy i was gettin in that first week. I have no desire to eat and food has to be force fed. Ive lost 5kgs i look better but inside i feel really sick. Ive struggled to go to the gym in fear i might faint, the headspins are getting worse.

25/7/15 Saturday
I have felt nausious since Thursday 23rd i spent most of thursday night vommiting and had friday off work. Today i worked (saturday) but i felt off all day! Still light headed and nausious- not pregnant! Gonna see how i go tomorrow by not taking duromine[/COLOR]


this is my second time taking duromine 40 mg. the first time I took it I would go hours and hours without eating and was getting headaches all the time and dizziness. this time around ( im only on day 4 btw) I have made sure I eat something every 3 hours even if its a wholegrain cracker and marmite and green tea and noticed a big difference. I have also had heart racing ( only for short bursts) and dry mouth. I haven't been getting much sleep at night 5-6 hours. ive also been feeling anxious. I hope that dies down
Hi people have suggested that take them every second day. The side effects are not as bad but the results r the same
I missed today. I felt a little hungrier at dinner but didn't over eat. My first week down lost 2.9 kilos. Really happy with that. I'll see how this weeks weigh in does taking them every 2nd day

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